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    M r. Yukumoto explained about an EM C     we have set up sales leaders that did  Bookings significantly affected in this
    new strategy at the kickoff of OCB- AM .  not exist before, and are working to  short term due to high channel
                                              strengthen our relationship as a sales  inventory. Since lead- times have
    While the basic strategy has not changed,   department.                        reduced at Omron and other
    major changes have been made to the                                            manufacturers, distributors are not
    structure that drives the strategy. I would   Even this is a new concept of EM C,   having to schedule out orders as far.
    like to share the key points again with the   ASM - AM  has already implemented
    differences from the previous ones.       almost same idea through Focus       Further, cancellations are increasing
                                              customer activities and AC- AM       due to customer demand change and
    When viewed from OCB- AM , here are       activities.We just need to accelerate   distributors being more conservative
    two main differences.                     these activities.                    due to changed capacity/ product
    1. Change from application focus to       Indirect as the mainstay of the EM C   availability as well as uncertainty of
    industry focus.                           strategy                             short term demand requirements.
    2. Indirect (Distributor business) has been   Indirect business is one of the most   We continue to ship our backlog.
    incorporated into the core of the EM C    important segments for OCB- AM ,     Total was reduced by over $1M .
    strategy.                                 but in EM C overall, it has a high   M ajority of reduction was in
    Application focus to Industry focus       level of attention to the strategies of   Distribution
                                              quality enhancement, production
    In the past, we were requested to focus   consolidation, and new product       Since the beginning of June, our open
    on creating new products by focusing on   creation. For this reason, in the past,   po's with the factory has decreased
    specific applications, but EM C expanded   it just appeared in the strategy as   from $22.1M  to $20.6M . Our
    that expression to industry level.        ASM .                                inventory value has increased from
                                                                                   $13.3m to $14M  as of June 10, 2019.
    The background of this is that the        Since EM C accomplished the major
    application strategy is biased toward     part of improvement at production    We have received about $2.6M  in
    specific applications and specific product   side, we focus more to growth.    product, consisting of about 500
    specs, and there is a sense that we cannot                                     different items.
    make full use of the strength of the      Among these, the indirect business is
    organization as a whole of EM C. The      expected not only a large
    intention is to accelerate the efficiency of   contribution in terms of profit, but
    customer capture and the strengthening    also as an important approach pass
    of relationships by selling other products   directly to engineers.
    at the same time as speck- in of new      Now our Distribution team and
    products for specific applications, and to   M arcom team are working very
    lead to sales growth. For this reason,    closely with EM C/ ASM  team.
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