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OCB- AM officially opened its new Omron contributes to a better
Creative Lab in M arch 2019 at our society. Be sure to take advantage of
Americas HQ to showcase our this great opportunity to convey
advanced technologies. Various Omron values to our customers.
demos are displayed here in the Don?t hesitate to bring them to the
Creative lab for several categories of lab for a tour and check it out!
EM C?s 8 focus industries such as Contact Vera,
e- sports, PV generation system, to reserve
an appointment.
respiratory equipment, robotics, and
smart home & building. The As more new creative technologies
Creative Lab display demos include: and products come out this year, we
Human Vision Sensing Technology are going to upgrade the equipment
(OKAO), M ulti- Camera Human in the Creative Lab, we always
Tracking, M ems Sensor Collection, encourage your feedback to improve
this education space!
Time of Flight Sensor, Oxygen
Purity Flow Sensing, Rapid
Shutdown System, Water Level
Indicator, Kiosk and Human Sensing
M odule (HSM ).
We believe the Creative Lab will
exist as a window to better
demonstrate to our customers
Omron?s capabilities and how