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This past M ay, OCB- AM decided to
join in collaboration with Avnet to
display some of our targeted products
(both existing and concept) for the
lighting industry. Avnet?s team out of
San Diego approached us with the
concept of designing our concept
products into lighting fixtures to show
them in application.
OCB- AM products shown included
Human Sensing M odule (HSM ), Time
of Flight (ToF), and Environmental
Sensor (USB Type). OCB- AM has not
typically promoted our products to an
industry trade show, but stuck to
component shows such as Sensors
Expo. The purpose for our new hear the
voice from the end customer, better
understanding the industry stakeholder The Time of Flight sensor is a
map for which stakeholder drives high- resolution distance sensor that
innovation, and realize if the concept targeted for FA, BA and Robotics
products that we are showing are have industries. Because of the high
practical value to the lighting industry. sensor resolution (320x240 pixels), environmental readings without the
The Human Sensing M odule is a new one can discern a person?s body constriction of having to design into
module coming out from the HVS shape and movement of their the ceiling or lighting fixture. Typically,
division of the S& M BU. HSM is a appendages. High accuracy of this it is not easy for control system
module similar to the HVC- P2 in the sensor mean that ToF is a better fit companies to get trustworthy data
fact that it is uses OKAO camera- based for FA and robotics applications and because lighting fixtures can influence
image sensing of humans and will have because of higher quality product temperature and humidity readings.
edge processing. However, differs in Omron?s price point for the ToF will With our USB or Bag type sensor being
that the libraries of the device will only not meet the requirements of the BLTE enabled it allows them to place a
be human body detection and the lighting industry. Even though sensor node in a room at the level
camera will be a fish eye lens increasing Omron?s sensor does not currently where the data is most trusted and they
field of view. Outputs of the new HSM meet the exact needs of the lighting can use this data to create a closed
will be person detection and location of industry; ToF sensing is coming and feedback loop for HVAC or Lighting
that person identified. Overall, the was an interest to most lighting control.
feedback from the show was mixed. fixture and control system Light Fair was a fulfilling experience
The concept design interested all manufacturers. If Omron were to and an overall success; being able to
companies that visited our booth but reduce the specs and package size of network with customers that we
was especially of interest to control the ToF sensor, it may be a viable wouldn?t think of as typical EM C
systems companies to improve lighting solution for lighting industry. customers allow us to explore new
and HVAC efficiencies. Difficulties I would call the environmental opportunities for our future. If there
introduce this product in industry will sensor our hidden gem of the show. are any trade shows that you think that
be overcoming existing PIR M otion Specifically for the control systems OCB- AM should be looking into
sensing technology and being able to companies our environmental sensor exhibiting at, please let our marketing
retrofit buildings with this technology. will allow them to gather department know.