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     EDS 2019


      ?Digi- Key is honored to receive this   At the 2019 Electronic Distribution   Under OCB- AM ?s new program, and
      prestigious recognition, but even more   Show (EDS), held from M ay 7- 10,   in lieu of a crystal award or similar
      importantly, to support the Thief River  2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada, OM RON  physical prize, OM RON will make a
      Falls Area Food Shelf through          Electronic Components (OCB- AM )      meaningful financial donation to the
      OM RON?s generous donation on our      named Digi- Key Electronics the       winning distributors? non- profit
      behalf. We?re proud to work with       ?2018 E- Catalog Distributor of the   organization of choice, in recognition
      OM RON and share their mission to      Year.? The top award was based on     of their superior performance. This
      improve lives and contribute to a      performance during OM RON?s fiscal  program was inspired by OM RON?s
      better society,? said Chris Beeson,    year, including the categories of POS  company mission: ?To improve lives
      Executive Vice President -  Global     growth, POP growth, co- operative     and contribute to a better society.?
      Supplier and New Business              marketing engagement, customer        OM RON will be making the
      Development, Digi- Key Electronics.    growth and internal sales member      contribution on behalf of Digi- Key
      ?Both Digi- Key and OM RON share a                                           Cares, which is a program that
      strong corporate value of making a     ?The Digi- Key team?s commitment to  supports the missions of nonprofits
      difference through serving others and   inventory investment fueled their local  across multiple communities where
      it is an honor to recognize Digi- Key?s   &  global POS growth. We continue to  Digi- Key members live and work.
      superior performance in a meaningful   look for creative and innovative ways  Employees give back to organizations
      way. The Digi- Key Cares program       to have strong engagements across all  that improve the lives of others, the
      showcases the alignment of the core    global regions. Congratulations to the  community and the environment
      company values of OM RON and           entire Digi- Key team for this        through volunteering, organizing
      Digi- Key,? said Caroline Wells,       well- earned award,? said Jeff Rogers,  fundraisers and financial support.
      Distribution Sales M anager for        President &  COO of OCB- AM .         Digi- Key Cares has chosen to match
      OCB- AM .                                                                    OM RON?s donation.
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