Page 121 - WU183.indd
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5. e communication team needs to focus on its 15. Dues to be paid on monthly basis through the
internal customers, engage continuously and recipients’ bank accounts.
actively with all directorates. 16. Challenges experienced in the course of assign-
6. e vehicles earmarked for procurement need ment need to be addressed in the shortest time
to be delivered as early as possible. possible.
7. e Transport Directorate should be fully re- 17. Facilitation for approved trips to be availed
sponsible for transport organisation and no in- before departure and preferably through the
structions to transport service providers should recipients’ bank accounts. Any imprest to be
emanate from the other persons. is will en- accounted for within the stipulated timelines.
hance service provision and accountability. 18. Disaster Management Plan is a responsibility of
the entire LOC. is should be an important and
8. Several Transport Service Providers should be 19. e LOC should be well briefed and drilled on
integral component of any planning of events
contracted and engaged early so as fully under-
of such magnitude.
stand the assignment, develop and continuously
review the transport operation plan with the
the plan and be prepared to fully participate in
relevant directorates.
the event of rolling out.
9. e Transport Directorate should ensure that
20. e assembly areas need to be identifi ed, labelled
the transport service providers conform to the
and signage erected, alternative accommoda-
terms of the contract including drawing up an
tion secured, evacuation plan in place and an
operational plan with monitoring mechanisms
experienced Incident Commander appointed
and adequate redundancy.
and known to the LOC.
10. e staff of the directorate need to be adequately
21. Timely settlement of invoices for services ren-
trained and also engage other directorates on
the need to avail suffi cient information.
11. Vehicle Access and Parking Passes to be printed
should be well thought out to facilitate traffi c
management. e distribution channels need
to be clearly defi ned for accountability.
12. ere is need to explore areas of complementari-
ties and dependent operations for effi ciency and
seamless service to achieve synergy.
13. e LOC be well structured with clear terms of
reference, responsibilities and reporting lines.
14. e LOC and secretariat staff appointed from
Subcommittees of LOC be on contract terms.