Page 118 - WU183.indd
P. 118
of getting to the designated entry /exit gate. routes and several cases of declines by the Transport
Two drop down barriers were erected on both sides Service Providers staff to take up assignments. One
of the carriageway along access road to Kasarani case aff ected the Technical Suppliers as highlighted
near Gate 1. ese were to control vehicular traffi c earlier. e other was a non-injury accident involv-
to the venue. e support structures were erected ing one of the cars which was knocked by a matatu
within the paved walkway and the works were not along ika Road. Fortunately, there was no pas-
completed satisfactorily. is investment was not senger on board.
well advised given that this access was to serve most
of the public to access the venue. Further post the In the cases involving decline to take up assignment,
event the same is a security threat to motorists as it a driver declined to drop a volunteer and instead
charged her KSh 500.00. is matter was dealt with
can be used to close the road.
administratively and resolved with the service pro-
vider. Other cases were followed up and the reasons
ere were interruptions in services by the service
found were that they had been assigned to director-
provider on xx July 2017 due to lack of fuel. is was
ates and some lacked fuel.
occasioned by delay in completion of fuelling ar-
rangements. The service provider stepped in and
ere was one reported case of vehicle breakdown.
availed funds for fuel. Services were again inter-
is happened at the airport on 9th July 2017 where
rupted on xx July 2017 as arrangements for availing
a minivan Reg. KBV 958C broke down after a team
of meals and ccc were not put in place in time. As
had boarded at the airport upon arrival. ey were
the matters were being addressed, NYS buses were
quickly ushered into another van but this created
deployed. is was quickly addressed and the ser-
vices restored.
the gap created by mobilising his fl eet of vehicles
stationed at the airport. is displayed advantages
e scheduling of volunteers did not take into ac-
of engaging this fi rm as there was complimentarily
count the location of the respective residences and a defi ciency. e Transport Service Provider fi lled
and also provided a valuable lesson for the Transport
inadequate provision of this information leading to
team to have some suffi cient redundancy in form of
drop off s late into the night and non-scheduling of
suffi cient transport capacity to be available at the
their drop off . is resulted in protests by the vol-
unteers as they felt discriminated and there safety
was not being considered.
A Transport Operations Offi ce was to be provided
complete with whiteboard, computers, printer, and
Disaster Management Plan was and is a requirement
especially for an event of this magnitude and in the
that transport would be a near 24-hour operation.
current environment. is was not shared and the furniture and radio communication. It was envisaged
LOC was not sensitised. Each Directorate considered e offi ce space, furniture and radio communica-
its matters independently of the other. tion were not availed during the Championship. e
Transport Service Provider and the Transport Sub-
e late engagement of the transport service provider committee had to use the Sports Kenya Boardroom
did not aff ord suffi cient time for training, briefi ng to execute their assignment.
and undertaking a dry run. e dry run would have
aff orded the LOC and opportunity to identify gaps Prior to engaging M/s Pewin Cabs, services were
and put in place corrective measures. being provided by a fi rm called Spero on contracted
rates and terms with Sports Kenya. Transport ar-
ere were two incidences of deviation from assigned rangements were being made through the Head of