Page 115 - WU183.indd
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                       Westgate, Galleria and Garden City Mall.      the cost of the transport services are viewed to be
                       Using a car pool system arrangements were made for
                       the teams to visit the national park.    e teams were: -     e decision to make an appeal against the defer-
                       Argentina, Algeria, Bahamas, Belize, Brazil, Cayman   ment of the engagement of NYS to off er passenger
                       Islands, Colombia Cuba Czech Republic, Estonia   transport services was very timely and eff ective  even
                       and Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Iraq,   though earlier their fl eet was found not to have in
                       Jamaica, Kenya, Malta, Poland, China, Romania,   the best condition.
                       Spain, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela. (Relocated
                       to the excursions session)                       e transport service provider M/s Pewin Cabs was
                         Successes                                   able to mobilise at short notice and run with the
                                                                     Championship even though he had never undertaken
                                                                     an assignment of similar magnitude.
                       The persons identified to join the transport sub-
                                                                     The deployment of technology was also an added
                       committee were an asset to the operations.
                                                                     advantage particularly in reporting and monitoring
                                                                     the journeys undertaken outside the main event
                          e volunteers and staff  assigned were also up to the
                                                                     related travel particularly during excursions.
                       task and went a great length to ensure operations
                       went on as planned. Among the volunteers assigned
                                                                        e security teams were able to provide cover for all
                       to the directorate were 3 No accomplished pilots
                                                                     the guests during the shuttles.
                       while one other was well versed in logistics matters.
                       He was able to serve for two days but left to pursue
                                                                        e traffi  c personnel were also able to manage ve-
                       other interests as an opportunity arose.
                                                                     hicular traffi  c and clear the routes.    e guests had
                                                                     a smooth travel and the journey times were within
                       The planning of the route for the guests from the
                                                                     the expected durations.
                       airport to various accommodation venues and to the
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       event greatly assisted in coverage and monitoring
                                                                     Four vehicles were procured for the for LOC. The
                       of transport services. Sharing of the transport plan
                                                                     vehicle details were as follows: -
                       with estimated journey times added value to the
                       planning by the Security Committee and also the
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                       scheduling of shuttles.                       iv.  KCL 903S – Toyota Prado – Assigned for use by
                                                                        the Principal Secretary
                          e identifi cation and assignment of various of park-  v.  GK 449S – Mitsubishi Outlander - Assigned for
                       ing lots as well as pick up/ drop off  points for various   use by staff  in the Principal Secretary’s offi  ce
                       parties in the stadium worked well.           vi.  GK 450S – Mitsubishi Outlander – Assigned for
                                                                        use by Chairman LOC
                       Parking management and assignment to various   vii. GK 500S – Nissan 18 seater van - Pool car
                       categories of users assisted in traffi  c management.
                       Signage and availing of Vehicle access and parking      e decision to use Gate 12 as Athletes Only was very
                       passes contributed positively to traffi  c management.  timely as it allowed easy access for the teams to the
                          e repair of access roads along with improvement   stadium.
                       of accesses to the parking for entry and exit aided
                       in improving traffi  c fl ow.    e traffi  c movement plan   The service lane to facilitate direct access to the
                       and parking assignment plans are attached in the   Roysambu roundabout made exit easier and reduced
                       appendices.                                   the journey length by 5 km. Were this not provided,
                                                                     it would have required that additional vehicles be
                       Financial resources allocated in the budget to meet   deployed to cater to the longer journey time for the

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