Page 114 - WU183.indd
P. 114
make the courtesy calls and appointments outside every time they were to fuel. The same were col-
the Championship as scheduled. lected from CID Headquarters on 10th July 2017. e
schedule of fuel drawn is attached in the appendices.
Directorates transport requirements (pre-event) (Ekiru to provide)
The Transport Directorate requested all the other Departure Information and Timetables
directorates to indicate their transportation needs
before, during and after the event. e directorates e IAAF Transport guidelines required that 48 hours
responded and a schedule indicating their respective before proposed departure dates, the directorate
needs is attached in the appendices. All Directorates prepares and causes to be displayed at appropriate
were assigned dedicated vehicles for their operations.
locations in the accommodation, training, dining,
ey were under the control of the respective direc-
training and event venues the departure schedule
for all the guests and particularly the teams, IAAF
tors. In addition, special consideration was made
Family & technical partners. e volunteers attached
for the Security offi cers who were attached to the
to each team were particularly impressed upon to
VVIPs from the Diplomatic Police Unit, and provided
surveillance vehicles to the security directorate.
liaise closely with the Team Managers and to keep
the directorate posted on any changes on the de-
Procurement of fuel for the championships
parture dates. is extra measure complimented the
daily monitoring of the events entry system and the
accreditation system which was accessed at least
A request was made for procurement of fuelling ser-
twice a day.
vices was made on 4th July 2017. e same was ap-
proved on 9th July 2017 and the Procurement Offi ce
communicated the existence of a Government Supply
contract with RH Devani Limited. e Directorate
tion of equipment required for the team activities
from Ngong to Kenyatta University. e transport
was requested to choose the petrol station found ere was a request to provide transport for collec-
directorate requested the use of Sports Kenya Pickup
most suitable for fuelling of the fl eet. Subsequent
to the information that RH Devani would supply
truck to facilitate the collection and return of the
equipment on the same day 16th July 2017.
the fuel, a meeting with the representative of RH
Devani was convened.
For purposes of unloading the cargo, lifting equip-
ment and transport services for cargo both at the
Ms. Judith Kasala attended and informed the
stadium and Kenyatta University. ese were sourced
Directorate that RH Devani had relationship with two
fuelling station, namely ika Road Shell and Lusaka
On the eve of the Championship commencement,
Road Shell Petrol Stations and the other option was from the clearing agent M/s Bonfi de C & F Company.
RH Devani Kampala Road Depot. The Directorate the directorate was requested to avail transport for
opted to use the ika Road Shell for fuelling of the various services ranging from relocation of hammer
fleet under its control while the security vehicles cage and mats to and from Nyayo Stadium. Transport
were fuelled at Shell Lusaka Road. of starter blocks, javelin and pole vault equipment
and other sports equipment. is was availed in the
Were the LOC to have fuelled at the RH Devani yard, form of semi-trailer and lorries and were contracted
it would have enjoyed a discount for fuel consumed. from M/s Spero.
Having opted for the Shell Petrol Station along ika
Road, this benefi t was not realised. Provided transport services for guests and teams
Before the same could be put to use, the Directorate interested in excursions and visit to places of inter-
was further advised that we were required to have est and shopping malls. e malls visited were Two
detailed order books to be completed for each vehicle Rivers, Village Market, ika Road Mall, Sarit Centre,