Page 113 - WU183.indd
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to purchase sports gear and souvenirs as well as per- who approved the facilitation amounting to KShs.
sonal shopping, and a tour of the City of Nairobi. 10,000. Any additional charges were to be charged
These were quickly arranged and accommodated into LOC’s account with the fi rm. e Airway Bill and
after consulting and informing Security Directorate copy of receipt for the funds disbursed are attached
of the intended visits for them to be accorded the in the appendices.
necessary security cover.
e clearing and forwarding agent M/s Bonfi de made
In all the trips, volunteers and a security offi cer were every effort and had the equipment released and
accompanying the guests. All vehicles in convoy to within 2 days the athlete was able get his equipment
and from the stadium/ Athletes Village and IAAF in time for his event. Upon request, the agent availed
Family Hotel were accorded lead cars to ensure timely transport for the equipment to be delivered to the
equipment store in Kasarani.
arrival especially during peak hour traffi c. e exit
from the athlete’s village was arranged such that
the vehicles exiting at Kenyatta University Gate A
Accommodation arrangements in relation to trans-
turned to the right driving against traffic so as to
port requirements
cut the journey time and for safety reasons. is re-
quired that Traffi c Police to control traffi c to mitigate
e IAAF Family and International Technical Offi cials
were accommodated in Windsor Hotel & Golf Resort
unforeseen incidences. Were this arrangement was
not in place, the vehicles would have had to turn left
and International Technical Suppliers at the Safari
Park Hotel. e two hotels also accommodated the
and drive to the Eastern Bypass roundabout near
LOC, Steering Committee and the Heroes/Heroines
Ruiru then turn back towards the City Centre an
(Veterans). Some of the LOC members were also ac-
extra distance of 4.6 km
commodated at KSMS (Kenya School of Monetary
Studies) Hotel which also hosted the Media covering
Ad hoc requests for transport – C&F Services
the event.
e Transport Directorate did receive a request on
e National Technical Offi cials were accommodated
10th July 2017 to facilitate transport to an athlete
and his team manager from South Africa to collect
at the Sportsview Hotel. e transport service pro-
his equipment which had been air freighted as un-
viders as well as NYS buses were used to transport the
accompanied luggage but the same had not been offi cials. In some instances, the National Technical
received by the LOC. Offi cials opted to walk to and from their hotel prior
to commencement of the event. During the event,
e challenge was that the goods were at the cargo both NYS and Pewin Cabs buses were deployed to
section of the airport and the same had been con- transport them.
signed in the name of the athlete and the information
was not conveyed to the LOC. It was therefore not Limousine services were availed to serve VVIPs.
possible for the LOC to have cleared and conveyed e Ministry of Foreign aff airs availed a Mercedes
the equipment to the athlete prior to his arrival. Limousine Reg. Protocol 5 for the exclusive use by the
Upon receipt of the request, the Secretariat and IAAF President during his stay for the event as from
the Transport Directorate engaged the contracted 10th July 2017 to 15th July 2017. e Transport Service
Clearing and Forwarding agent and availed transport Provider availed Mercedes vehicles Registration KCG
as well as a volunteer to accompany the athlete and 976E for use by the IAAF CEO and KCJ 544 U by the
team offi cial. Upon tracking the cargo, the clearing President of Confederation of Africa Athletics. Both
and forwarding agent communicated that there were vehicles were inspected by the Protocol Offi cer from
immediate charges that would have to be met so as to the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs and gave approval.
fast track the release. A request was made to the CEO e transport accorded to VVIPs facilitated them to