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                       attached in the appendices) the rest of the vehicles   information of the fi rm and the off erer’s unit prices.
                       as listed above (Pewin Cabs Ltd).                e Directorate was requested to review the evalu-
                                                                     ation report and its fi ndings were conveyed to the
                       During the visit to Apollo Tours, the team inspected   Procurement offi  ce (see attached report (email) in
                       the Mini vans and Minibus and saloon cars.    e team   appendices)
                       found that the saloon cars were satisfactory but the
                       minivans and minibuses were not as new as expected      e fi ndings were that:
                       and the condition inside and outside were satisfac-
                       tory.    ey were however candid that they would not   1.  It was not possible to assess the fl eet capacity of
                                                                        the respective bidders to undertake the services.
                       be able to avail the high capacity buses as the none   2.     e fi nancial, operational and organisational ca-
                       were available in the market.    ey informed the team
                                                                        pacity was not disclosed.
                       that most of their fl eet is also engaged on contracts
                                                                     3.  The firm’s previous experience could not be
                       with various clients.    e fi rm demonstrated their
                                                                        vouched and assessed as information was not
                       vehicle tracking software and radio communication
                       equipment.    ey were provided supporting infor-
                       mation to demonstrate that they have undertaken
                                                                     Following this report, the directorate proposed that
                       similar assignment.    ey indicated that they would
                                                                     fi rms with capacity to undertake the services could
                       need to vet, engage and train drivers as well as sign
                                                                     also be invited to bid alongside the ones that had bid
                       contracts with them but the time was too short.
                                                                     earlier.    e directorate proposed the following fi rms
                                                                     to be invited: -
                       It therefore became more apparent that the market
                       was not able to respond to the demand for high num-
                       bers of high capacity buses, vans and saloons cars
                                                                     2.  Holiday Cars Limited
                       by a single entity in Kenya. Public Service vehicles
                                                                     3.  Apollo Tours Limited
                       consisting of  organized Saccos had taken up that   1.  Pewin Cabs Limited,
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       market segment, but most of their vehicles were
                                                                     A second set of RFQs were sent to fi rms in the cate-
                                                                     gory reserved for Access to Government Procurement
                                                                     Opportunities (AGPO) and 12 fi rms responded.    e
                          e information gathered in the market survey was
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     firms that the Directorate recommended had not
                       used to inform and revised Terms of Reference for
                                                                     responded which led to check whether they were
                       procurement of Transport Service provider. The
                       same were forwarded to the Procurement Office
                       who subsequently invited quotations from firms
                       in the category reserved for Access to Government      e Directorate was requested vide unreferenced and
                       Procurement Opportunities (AGPO). This action   undated memo to evaluate the bids received
                       locked out prospective, known and experienced
                       fi rms in the sector.                             e Directorate was not able to verify whether the
                                                                     three proposed firms were invited as it was not
                       The invitations were done based on request for   copied the invite mail. The team had to follow up
                       quotation forms with the terms of reference at-  with the prospective vendors for confi rmation. It
                       tached and the information required to be availed   was verifi ed that M/s Apollo Tours were not invited
                       when submitting the bids.    is included fi lling the   to bid after the team visited them.
                       Confi dential questionnaire.    e fi rst round of Request
                       for Quotations (RFQ) attracted 11 (eleven) firms.       e LOC thereafter received a bid from M/s Pewin
                       Analysis was undertaken based on the information   Cabs Limited.    e schedule of rates obtained is pro-
                       requested, which was limited to availed statutory   vided in the appendices.    e rates were higher than

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