Page 107 - WU183.indd
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                       Engagement of the transport partner and/or service   isation’s capacities to undertake service provision.
                       provider for the championship
                                                                        e fi rms visited and assessed included: -
                          e Local Organizing Committee (LOC) set out from
                       the beginning to partner with a transport partner   1.  National Youth Service -- minutes available
                       who would bring forth the necessary experience   2.  Coast Bus Services Ltd - report on the same - one
                       and become a brand carrier for the IAAF WU18     pager
                       Championships, Nairobi 2017.                  3.  Easy Coach Limited report on the meeting (one
                       Under the term of engagement of the IAAF, a trans-  4.  Pewin Cabs Limited - Minutes available
                       port partner would not only participate by contrib-  5.  Apollo Tours Limited - Minutes available
                       uting in kind but also gain commercially through
                       procurement/sales of part of the vehicles, that will
                                                                     It was generally found that no single firm owned
                       be used by LOC.
                                                                     a fl eet that could undertake the service provision.
                                                                        ey indicated that they would have to get into third
                       In the event that LOC did not find a partner with
                                                                     party contracts so as to lock in the vehicles and also
                       capacity and experience to undertake the assign-
                                                                     negotiate with the owners to hire additional drivers
                       ment, the fi rst call of service would ideally have been
                                                                     to satisfy the requirement of having extra drivers due
                       the Government agencies that would contribute
                                                                     to the long hours of operations. Security clearance
                       transport vehicles to the championship.
                                                                     was also a requirement to be satisfi ed by the vendors
                       Government policy requires that the National Youth
                                                                     before they are engaged.
                       Service (NYS) be engaged in areas where they can
                       off er services because of the comparative advantage
                                                                     M/s Easy Coach Limited were not willing to engage
                       they have.
                                                                     but allowed the team to view the buses but not take
                                                                     photographs. The Directorate did not pursue the
                       The team visited the NYS to assess the passenger
                                                                     fi rm further.
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       buses and various transport vehicles and equipment.
                          e Directorate also invited the CEO for a site and
                                                                     M/s Pewin Cabs Limited delivered 4 categories of
                       viewing visit.    e CEO did visit and inspected the
                                                                     vehicles on 5th July 2017 and the same were inspected
                       Crane, Low bed truck (Low Loader) and semi-trailer.   together with the CEO and the position was as fol-
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                       He also inspected the high capacity, Mini-buses and   lows:-
                       a luxury 12 seater buses.     e former was for purposes
                       of being able to facilitate transport of heavy cargo   a)  Saloon cars bearing the Pewin Cabs Logo
                       being imported.                               b)  A Toyota Prado for the SUV category
                                                                     c)  A mini van
                       The CEO advised the Directorate to explore other   d)  A mini bus
                       options as the condition of the NYS buses was not   e)  A Medium capacity bus bearing Holiday Cars
                       suitable for the event. In his opinion, the institution   names.
                       did not demonstrate ability to handle the anticipated
                       heavy cargo in a short period of time as the heavy      e photographs of vehicles availed for inspection
                       transport vehicles were too few.              are attached in the appendices.
                          e Directorate was also to seek his approval of the   M/s Pewin Cabs were requested to avail a high ca-
                       type of vehicles and the service provider proposed for   pacity bus for inspection.    ey promised to avail on
                       transport passenger services for the championships.   the same day but the promise was not fulfi lled citing
                       Based on the above advice, the Directorate visited   its engagement in executing an existing contract.
                       prospective fi rms to assess their fl eets and organ-     e CEO approved on 3rd July 2017 (approval memo

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