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                       1. General principles                         4. Public transport

                       To develop and provide an efficient and effective   To facilitate the general public to attend the champi-
                       adequate and reliable transportation system during   onship through an improved transportation system.
                       the championships and at other times to be advised   It was IAAF recommendation that all public trans-
                       by the IAAF (including site visits, as set forth). Such
                                                                     port be free of charge for all categories of accredited
                       transportation system included, but not be limit-
                       ed to, the exclusive transportation free of charge
                       for the IAAF Family, delegates, athletes, offi  cials,
                                                                     5. Transportation of supplies and equipment
                       IAAF Partners and Guests and media,  subject to
                       the approval of the IAAF.    e LOC was mandatorily
                       required to provide vehicles with drivers in such
                                                                     a)  To facilitate the LOC’s responsibility in providing,
                       number and types as requested by IAAF.    e same
                                                                        at its cost, the necessary transportation services
                       were to have drivers and all the vehicles fuelled at
                                                                        in and around the city, including between the
                       LOCs own cost.
                                                                        airport servicing the city and official accom-
                                                                        modation and between venues, for the supplies
                       2. International transport
                                                                        and equipment required for the competition and
                                                                        provided by the technical suppliers, as well as
                                                                        all the supply and equipment required for the
                       a)  The LOC to pay the international travel as per
                                                                        athletes for training and competing on the oc-
                          IAAF Technical Regulations. IAAF was to decide
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                        casion of the championships.
                          who would buy the pre-paid tickets.
                                                                     b)  To facilitate the LOC’s responsibility in providing,
                       b)  The LOC to set up a system at the Team
                                                                        at its cost, local transportation before, during
                          Accreditation Centre whereby teams who needed
                                                                        and after the championships for the loading /
                          to re-confirm their return flights could do so,
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                        unloading of equipment at sites as required by
                          either through LOC or airline representation.
                                                                        IAAF, its accreditation partner and Dentsu/AMS.
                       3. IAAF Family                                6. Dedicated cars
                       To provided transportation free of charge for all
                       accredited persons of the IAAF Family, including   To facilitate the LOC’s responsibility in providing at
                       Media, IAAF Partners and Suppliers (at minimum,   its expense, for the following members of the IAAF
                       those who receive benefit under the IAAF agree-  Family: IAAF Council on duty, IAAF Competition
                       ment), to and from all offi  cial locations, sites and   Delegates, IAAF Staff  and service providers, Dentsu/
                       venues relating to the championships, including   AMS staff  and IAAF VVIPs, as well as minibuses for
                       the following:                                the appointed offi  cials. Dedicated transportation was
                                                                     to be available in and around the city, including the
                       •  airports <> all offi  cial accommodation     airport, offi  cial accommodation and between venues
                       •  all offi  cial accommodation <>accreditation centres  of the championships (as defi ned in an agreement
                       •  all offi  cial accommodation <>stadium       with IAAF) dedicated cars with adequate and ap-
                       •  all offi  cial accommodation <> IAAF agreed social   plicable insurance with drivers and with fuel.
                          programme venues                             Where the cars were to be provided by an IAAF
                       •  all offi  cial team accommodation <> training sites  Partner, dedicated cars were to be available for some
                                                                     IAAF Partners and Dentsu/AMS.

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