Page 105 - WU183.indd
P. 105
Pre-event the development of the transport plans as it was
hopeful that Kenyatta University would release
i. Constituted Transport Sub-committee - The Mr. Adoli and be contracted to come on board
Director, upon gazettement, constituted the as a Transport Manager for the championships
Transport Directorate sub-committee to com- at Kenyatta University owing to his expertise
mence on its mandate in accordance with the and due the fact that the Athletes Village was
IAAF Transport Guidelines. located at the university.
ii. The Directorate developed a Work Plan and Formal appointments were not done and the
budget for the delivery of its mandate and this Directorate was not appraised on the reasons
was presented to the LOC for their non-approval.
e Directorate scheduled and participated in
iii. Participated in the formulation of the procure- vi. Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) –
visits to the following areas: -
ment plan for the championship
iv. Prepared a budget for the Transport Directorate
Principal port of entry
that would pave way for the procurement of
vii. Busia, Malaba border posts these are secondary
transport services.
ports of entry for Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi
v. e Directorate identifi ed the following for ap-
and South Sudan.
pointment to the transport sub-committee: -
viii. Namanga border post as the secondary port of
entry for Tanzania who would have wished to
• Nominee of Traffi c Commandant
travel by road, if their training camp was based
• Nominee from National Youth Service (NYS)
in Arusha.
• Mr David Ekiru, Transport and Logistics
ix. Mombasa Airport – alternative port of entry in
the event that JKIA is in accessible
• Ms Judy Kirigo, Administrative support
Mombasa Port – Port for large cargo for the
• Mr Moses Kuiyaki – NCCG, Public Transport
championships. The tartan track and other
heavy cargo was cleared through the port
• Mr Hebron Adoli - Transport Manager,
xi. Relevant Security offices and officers on the
Kenyatta University
Mr Kuiyaki was proposed to assist in en-
e above was undertaken jointly with the following
gagement with public transport operators on
Directorates – Protocol and Hospitality, Security and
transport arrangements for public to attend as
Disaster Management, Marketing and Commercial.
required by IAAF transport guidelines.
Invites were extended to Medical and Anti-doping,
Mr Adoli was proposed to be a member of the Accommodation and Media and Broadcasting
sub-committee, as Kenyatta University were Directorates.
partners in the championships and had indi-
cated that they would be willing to support the e objectives of the visits were as follows: -
event with 12 high capacity buses and 2 mini-
buses. i. To brief concerned offi cers at the various ports
of entry offices and staff on the upcoming
Of the above, only Mr Ekiru and Ms Kirigo re- event. is covered Immigration, KRA (Kenya
ceived appointment letters to serve in the sub- Revenue Authority), KEBS (Kenya Bureau of
committee. e Directorate incorporated the Standards), KePHIS (Kenya Plant health inspec-
NYS and representative of the Offi cer in Charge torate Service),KAA (Kenya Airports Authority),
Traffi c Nairobi Area during its sub-committee NPS (National Police Service - Security), KPA
deliberations on as and when required basis. (Kenya Ports Authority)
ii. To get to know fi rsthand and assess the extent
Despite the delayed appointment, the of awareness of the upcoming championship,
Directorate continued to engage Mr Adoli in iii. To understand the processes for facilitating