Page 109 - WU183.indd
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that for the lowest fi rm. (put a schedule showing & and vehicle registration No KCL 903S Toyota Prado
averages variation) They however compared well was delivered on ccc and assigned to the Principal
with those of the other fi rms. As was the case in the Secretary.
previous quotations, it was not possible to evalu-
ate the organisational and fi nancial capacity of the e following vehicles were procured and assigned
bidders save for M/s Spero who attached copies of as follows: -
previous service orders given as well as their Audited
accounts. ey were found to generally be able to i. GK 449S – Mitsubishi Outlander - Assigned for
have the capacity required. use by staff in the Principal Secretary’s offi ce
ii. GK 450S – Mitsubishi Outlander – Assigned for
use by Chairman LOC
The above notwithstanding, the Directorate was iii. GK 500S – Nissan 18 seater van - Pool car
not comfortable with the fi rm as it had experienced
an incident where one of the vehicles which had
Based on the information submitted, planned trans-
been contracted and assigned to take a team of IAAF
port schedules and vehicle assignments were pre-
Technical Suppliers for lunch to Safari Park Hotel
pared. e vehicles assigned were handed over to the
from Kasarani stadium had deviated from the as-
various directorates who in turn prepared schedules
signed route and took the visitors to Baba Dogo Road
for their staff and volunteers and managed the ve-
Ruaraka for a period lasting 45 minutes. This left
hicles assigned. Scheduling of transport services was
the visitors feeling insecure and shaken. is casted
availed to the duty station from and to designated
doubt on the company’s ability to secure the guests
pick up/drop off point till the close of event.
as instructed.
National Youth Service (NYS)
Having found that the bids were not responsive and
with few days to the event, the Directorate sought
e Directorate was granted approval to engage NYS
legal advice and the response was that Section 103
to provide additional transport support on the 23rd
(2) (b) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal
July 2017.
Act 2015 (Amended) provides a window that grants
such the procuring entity powers to negotiate. e
Four (4) co-ordinators as well as an attendant in
advisory is availed in the in appendices.
to the fl eet. ese buses were used to transport pri-
Based on this advice, a report was made to the CEO addition to drivers for each vehicle were attached
with a request to be allowed to negotiate with M/s. mary school children from Parklands Primary, Daniel
Pewin Cabs Limited. e approval was granted. Two Comboni Primary, Korogocho and Muthaiga Primary
negotiation meetings were held on 4th and 5th July School who did rehearsal for the opening and clos-
2017 and the minutes are attached in the appendices. ing ceremonies on 27th June 2017 at Nyayo Stadium.
e minutes were conveyed to the CEO who granted Procurement for fuel service provider
approval on 4th July 2017 and the fi rm was requested
to immediately commence services pending prepa- e terms of reference for the transport service pro-
ration of contract. vider required LOC to provide fuel. The transport
directorate sought approval to procure the fuel ser-
e Directorate also sought approval to procure ve- vice provider for the fl eet that would be deployed to
hicles to facilitate transportation as provided for in undertake transportation services for the champion-
the budget and procurement plan. A survey was ships on the 28th June 2017.
done and it was found that most dealers did not have
units in stock and only the following were available. e directorate explored two options:
Earlier approval to procure 1 No. SUV was granted