Page 112 - WU183.indd
P. 112


                       1.  Adventure Sports – The inquiry was made by   Foundation for an activity prior to them being taken
                          telephone and the response was that they don’t   to Kasarani Stadium for the fi nal events and closing
                          sell but lease them. (Attached please fi nd invoices   ceremonies on 16th July 2017. In total they were 562
                          and correspondence on the same             No. pupils with their chaperones. After the closing
                       2.  Kibo Sports Kenya – Kibo Sports are manufactur-  ceremonies, they were all transported back to the
                          ers and resellers of the Golf Carts.    eir response   respective pick up points.
                          to our inquiry was that each golf cart is at Ksh.
                          1.8m plus VAT.    ey refused to engage us on leas-     e availability of NYS provided reliable, fl exibil-
                          ing.                                       ity and much needed redundancy of high capacity
                                                                     buses to handle the large numbers as this day had
                                                                     many activities to be accomplished within the strict
                       During the event
                                                                     timelines. After the closing ceremonies, all teams and
                                                                     offi  cials were to be transported back to the Athletes’
                       National Youth Service
                                                                     Village for the farewell banquet.    ere were sched-
                                                                     uled departures for 46 No team members and offi  cials
                       The institution mobilised sufficient vehicles that
                                                                     from various countries. For ease of logistics, it was
                       served well during and until the end of the event.
                                                                     therefore necessary to ensure that all parties were
                          ey still continued after the event to facilitate de-
                                                                     at the required stations in time.
                       mobilisation of LOC as follows:
                                                                     M/s Pewin Cabs Limited
                                                                        ey availed the following fl eet of vehicles; -
                          e NYS were able to avail the following from their
                       fl eet: -
                                                                     •  10 No. High capacity buses
                                                                     •  27 No. Mini Buses
                       i.  11 No. High Capacity bases
                                                                     •  73 No. Vans
                       ii.  5 No. mini-buses
                                                                     •  83 No. Saloon cars
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     •  2 No. Luxury cars (Give report on deployment and
                          ere were side events that targeted disadvantaged
                                                                       use of the availed fl eet including management of
                       school children from informal settlements within
                       Nairobi and its environs.    ese were to create aware-
                       ness and inclusiveness. They were organized and
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     The transport schedules and vehicle assignments
                       coordinated by Ms. Alice Annabali of Athletics for
                                                                     were continuously reviewed and adjustments made
                       a Better World.
                                                                     due to changing transport requirements and arrival
                          e Directorate was requested to provide transport
                       for the children to Kenyatta University, the venue of   schedules.
                       the activities, to the stadium for the closing ceremony      e transport services were provided to the following:
                       and to transport the children back to their respec-
                       tive schools where they were picked up by parents      e teams and offi  cials
                       and guardians.
                                                                         e Directorate provided transport to the teams to
                          e NYS buses were utilised to transport primary   and from the hotels/ Athletes Village JKIA, Public
                       school children from Parklands Primary, Daniel   Transport termini for Team Uganda and Tanzania
                       Comboni Primary, Korogocho and Muthaiga       (who had used road transport into the country) to
                       Primary School to the Kenyatta University. They   the accreditation centres/ accommodation venues/
                       joined the pupils from Kenyatta University Primary   Athletes village. Requests for transport by teams
                       School, Ekiden, Ololua Primary School from Ngong,   were also made for visits to National Park, Museum,
                       Kibera Running Club and those from Tecla Loroupe   Forex Bureaux, visits to shopping malls for athletes

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