Page 116 - WU183.indd
P. 116
shuttle. ere was also a risk of the shuttles being with the management of GMEA who expressed
caught in traffi c at the Garden Estate Interchange concern at the late request for partnership. ey
especially during peak hours. requested the LOC to submit a proposal for the
kind of partnership it was seeking as transport
Similarly, the decision to have Athletes Traffi c turn service provision is not their core business but
right while exiting Kenyatta University reduced the are vehicle assemblers.
journey length by 7 km. e use of the normal route
would have posed challenges due to congestion at the ey were prepared to off er support in kind prior
Eastern Bypass interchange and also required extra to the Championship as follows:
security and traffi c coverage. ere was also a risk by availing out the buses from Kenya Rugby Union
of the shuttles being caught in traffi c at the Eastern
to whom they had donated three buses.
Bypass Interchange especially during peak hours.
Engaging with one of their partners who carries
The use of a mix of vehicles of various capacities
their brands to be to provide the service at a ne-
optimised seating capacity of the shuttles services.
gotiated rate. M/s. Pewin Cabs were the partner
of choice for GMEA.
e provision of extra vehicles availed the required
redundancy and fl exibility in optimising transport
e subsequent meeting was held in March 2017
where it was apparent that time was not favour-
able as the LOC did not follow through the fi rst
e transport services technology software deploy-
meeting with a proposal.
ment by service provider aff orded opportunity for
real time monitoring of vehicles and optimal assign-
providing the numbers and information pertain-
ment, records of journeys, time taken among other
ing to the Transport Logistics for the event. In
pertinent information. As transport directorate, our input was limited to
the procurement of this service the negotiations
Upon request by the CEO, the Directorate was
were to be spearheaded by both Marketing and
the Secretariat.
able to facilitate the Chairman of Zambia Athletics
Association a visit to the Athletes Village where to
ii. Toyota Kenya Limited - A meeting was convened
see his daughter who was part of the Zambian team.
by the CEO and the marketing department (date)
e assistance accorded to the South African Athlete
where the directorate was invited to participate.
and Team Manager in dedicating resources to facili-
tate his competition equipment raised their confi -
with Toyota Kenya since in the history of IAAF,
dence level and profi le of the Championship. Again the CEO expressed the desire to partner
Toyota is the partner of choice.
Pre-event mode challenges.
Management of Toyota Kenya expressed their
Engagement of a transport partner unwillingness to be party to the partnership since
they have no fleet of their own and that their
In November the LOC sought to get into partnership core business is in sales of saloon, Pickups and
with a transport service provider to off er both spon- Luxury SUVs, while our request mainly majored
sorship in kind and in commercial arrangements. on high, medium and low capacity vehicles in
e directorate alongside the secretariat M/s General large numbers. The Toyota management ex-
Motors East Africa and Toyota Kenya were the two pressed the concern that it was too late in the
preferred choice for Partnership. day to deploy some of the resources sought by
LOC as this should have been accommodate as
i. General Motors East Africa – LOC held a meeting they prepared their budget. However, LOC was