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                       Administration notwithstanding the active pres-  tifi ed and selected for his use. Upon request by the
                       ence of Transport Directorate. Multiple sources of   Chairman LOC, a limousine was availed for his use.
                       instructions to service provider posed a challenge      e Directorate lacked information on the identifi ed
                       in accountability of the services rendered. Upon   places on interest and any organised excursions.    is
                       receipt of authority to procure LOC vehicles, a visit   was a missed opportunity as there were no fliers
                       was done to vehicle dealers and it was discovered that   produced to give the visitors information on places
                       few dealers had same in stock.    e following dealers   of interest.    e Directorate was only directed them to
                       had vehicles that could be supplied immediately:   National Park, Museum and selected shopping malls.
                                                                        e NCCG also did not take advantage to market and
                          e directorate forwarded the recommendation to   conduct the Nairobi City tour.
                       Procurement Offi  ce. However, the vehicles chosen   Despite the service provider being accorded ap-
                       were not the ones procured. A lower model of the
                                                                     proval based on the sample vehicles he availed, for
                       Pajeros SUVs were procured and delivered. It was not
                                                                     the saloon category he resulted to contracting third
                       clear as to the reasons behind the change.
                                                                     parties and not deploying those from his cab busi-
                                                                     ness.    e same situation obtained for the mini vans.
                       2 No Vans procured were not delivered in time for
                                                                        e mini buses and buses obtained were not from
                       the championships. The deliveries were made as
                                                                     Holiday Cars as per the sample vehicle availed and
                       follows: -
                                                                     approved.    e service provider explained the situ-
                                                                     ation as due to short time to engage into contract
                       During the pre-event stage there was need to have
                                                                     with third parties.    e transport service provider
                       various communications and documents delivered at
                                                                     was required to develop and submit the following: -
                       short notice.    e Administration Offi  ce often resulted
                       to having to dispatch a person in a hired vehicle.
                                                                     i.  Deployment and operational plan
                          e same could effi  ciently be undertaken by a mes-
                                                                     ii.  Daily reports
                       senger using a motorcycle.   Authority to procure 4
                                                                     iii.     ird party contracts/Letter of indemnity
                       No. motorcycles was sought but the same was not
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       received.    e Directorate was not appraised of the
                                                                     Regrettably the daily reports were only availed much
                       reasons for the same.
                                                                     later.    is resulted in the Transport Directorate being
                       At a sub-committee meeting Protocol and Hospitality   more engaged.    e service provider provided a letter
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                       Directorate were advised to request Ministry of   of indemnity after the event. No engagement with
                       Foreign Affairs for Limousine service for IAAF   public service vehicle operators was made in order
                       President.    e formal request was not made however   to accord the public ease and seamless travel to the
                       the Protocol Offi  cer was able to secure the approval   Championship venue.    ere was therefore no nego-
                       of the Principal Secretary Ministry of Foreign Aff airs   tiation on fares to the championship venue. However,
                       and the Limousine availed.                    there being no gate charges, the spectators turned out
                                                                     in large numbers.    e public service vehicle opera-
                          e Transport Directorate requested for information   tors were able to respond to the transport demand.
                       from Protocol and Hospitality on courtesies to be
                       accorded to President of Confederation of African   Public information was not adequately disseminated
                       Athletics. No information was availed and hence   especially on transport arrangements and access
                       the President was served with the pool vehicles for   gates to be used during the event. It was also impor-
                       Windsor Hotel. However, a suitable vehicle was iden-  tant to inform the public on the routes to be used.

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