Page 120 - WU183.indd
P. 120
Improvement due to road and wall construction
e construction of perimeter walls at the Kasarani For M/s Pewin Cabs Limited, it was noted that they
Mwiki Road restricted the routes and improved ac- were to provide services outside the time frame in
cessibility. Given the high turnout, however, this the terms of reference. A negotiation meeting was
situation posed a risk in the event emergency evacu- held which gave rise to rates that would be applied
ation was required. to arrive at the cost to cover the period. Minutes of
the same are provided in the appendices. e same
Members of the Transport Directorate were instructed necessitated the revision of the contract agreement.
to check out of their hotel rooms at Safari Park. is Delay was experienced in settling the bills for trans-
was of great inconvenience as a majority live in peri- port services provided by National Youth Service,
urban areas of Nairobi. Having to work late and at
M/s Pewin Cabs Limited and Spero Limited.
locations such as JKIA and KU, they were greatly
What the next LOC on an international event will
Poor signage and access passes
need to execute on the Transport department man-
The signage was inadequate both in Kenyatta
University, JKIA, Athletes Village and Championship
1. e LOC should provide each directorate with ToRs
venue at Kasarani.
and avail more facilities to plan and execute their
mandate for similar Championships.
e numbers of Vehicle Access and Parking Passes
printed was underestimated. Their distribu-
tion was undertaken from the Office of Head of
to manage the day to day operations. e secre-
tariat should ordinarily be headed by a qualifi ed
Administration. e same was done without refer-
ence to the Traffi c Management Plan. 2. A well-staff ed secretariat should be constituted
person with clear reporting lines to the CEO and
the LOC. e secretariat would have comprised
of staff members from each directorates sub-
committee members who would handle matters
of their directorates at that level.
ere were delays in disbursement of facilitation and
allowances especially when departing for activities
3. e Transport Directorate should consist of per-
outside Nairobi. e Directorate allowed for ample
sons with experience in passenger and cargo
lead time for the processing of the same. is was
transport logistics. Previous experience in an
demoralising and wasted valuable time.
Post-event mode challenges event of similar nature would add value to the
4. e Transport team should be fully operational
Evaluation of invoices for services rendered by ser- and facilitated. A Transport Operations Offi ce
vice providers was undertaken. adequately equipped be set up early and a dry
run done at least 3 months to the event.