Page 117 - WU183.indd
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requested to put together a costed proposal and porary passes. Challenges of access at KU and the
forward to them for consideration. Championship Venue were experienced as security
personnel barred the drivers to access the village
iii. During the sourcing of the transport partner, we and some areas in the stadium. It took intervention
were informed by both GMEA and Toyota Kenya, of the Directors of Transport and ICT for them to be
that the County Executive Committee Member allowed in.
from Nairobi City County had been to see them
on the same. Various locations had been identifi ed to locate driver
rest areas with tents, chairs and mobile toilets. e
is amounted to parallel initiatives and LOC ap- same were not made available in Kasarani and
peared to be uncoordinated. Presented a challenge Kenyatta University. e drivers were forced to look
for conveniences and could only rest in their vehicles
since neither the CEO nor the Secretariat had any
idea of how this came to be. At this point, it appeared
in between trips. is resulted from the challenges
there was no clarity on the role of the host city in the
experienced by the service provider in accessing the
whole organizational structure and management of
Championship venue and Athletes Village.
the Championships.
Vehicles bearing IAAF Vehicle Access and Parking
Pass were barred from accessing through Gate 5 to
Procurement of transport service provider
VIP Entrance area by Security Offi cers. e Transport
directorate experienced challenges of boarding IAAF
Having availed the terms of reference upon request,
it was the Transport Directorate’s expectation that
Family as they were delayed at the gate. IAAF Family
were forced to walk to and from the gate and this
the Procurement Offi ce would prepare a complete
bidding document that would among others clearly
inconvenienced the event owners. Appeals to the
provide for qualifi cation and evaluation criteria. is
Security Committee by Director of Transport were
not heeded and it took the intervention of CEO to
was however not the case. e procurement method
adopted was further complicated by the decision by
have them granted access. Even then the instruc-
procurement Offi ce to procure the transport services
tions were not carried through the various offi cers
manning the gate after a change of shift.
from fi rms registered in the category of Access to
Government Procurement Opportunities. is was
counterproductive and contributed in late engage- Two vehicle units procured were not delivered. e
ment of transport service provider. dealer made available a temporary replacement in
civilian registration numbers. is unit was however
e Transport Directorate was requested to evaluate not put to use on advice of the procurement offi ce.
bids for transport service provision. is communica- It also would have required obtaining approval for
tion was done without prior information that it will it to be fuelled. The Directorate was informed by
be directorates responsibility. It came to light that Procurement Offi ce that the delay in delivery was
there was delay in being engaged after the bids were due to registration challenges experienced by the
opened. Evaluation report and memo vehicle dealer.
Event Mode challenges On the last day of the championship, there was high
pedestrian traffi c than was expected. is created
Given the requirement that all persons engaged in confl icts and led to congestion for vehicular traffi c.
the event were to be accredited and issued with ac- e public parking was fi lled to capacity. However,
creditation badges, it became apparent that this may the parking reserved for Suppliers, VIP, and Media
not be actualised for the service providers given the was only15% utilised. is was as a result of late is-
numbers and time. It was decided that the Transport suance of Vehicle Access and Parking Passes coupled
Service Provider and his staff be issued with tem- by the high spectator turn out that created challenges