Page 104 - WU183.indd
P. 104
e cars were to be available from the time of the e drivers were to have access, at the stadium and
persons’ arrival at the airport to the time of their offi cial hotels, to specifi ed areas where they can rest
departure. and refresh themselves in between driving. is was
A dedicated car driver was to be available to be especially important at the stadium where the drivers
contacted by mobile phone, speak the language had long waits between journeys.
of the person he/she was assigned to, but at least
English as foreign language, and have a good knowl- 10. Approval of the IAAF
edge of the city
All the details for all transportation system were to
7. Pool cars be submitted to the IAAF at latest three months in
advance of the championships, including a complete
transportation plan involving ALL aspects of the
To facilitate on behalf of the LOC a transportation
championships, meetings, social programme, etc.
system, at its expense, to include a car pool for the
use of persons comprising the IAAF Family, athletes
and team offi cials. Pool cars should include insurance
Transport for LOC and Steering Committee
and are to be located at all offi cial hotels, the number
of which depending on the size of the accommoda-
e Directorate was mandated also to provide trans-
tion venue. e nature and extent of such a car pool
port for the LOC staff , and the steering committee to
was to be subject to prior approval of the IAAF.
facilitate the smooth preparations of the champion-
ships. Each directorate of the LOC was a signed a ve-
8. Parking
hicle according to their requirements as set out in the
expression of needs by the Directorate of Transport.
a) To facilitate and provide suffi cient parking space
at the stadium for the parking of the dedicated
Transport for school children, special
cars, car pool and buses for athletes, media, com-
groups, National Heroes/Heroines
petition offi cials, etc. e parking areas were to
be as close as possible to the drop-off /pick-up
e LOC of the IAAF WU18 Championships, Nairobi
b) To provide signage should clearly indicate the
2017 were also mandated to provide transport to the
direction to the drop-off/pick-up areas at all
following categories;
offi cial locations, sites and venues relating to the
1. Children from selected schools for the opening
c) To provide reserved parking spaces will also be
and closing ceremonies
needed for the cars, both dedicated and pool, at 2. Children with special needs from selected chil-
all the offi cial hotels.
dren’s homes
3. Entertainment troupes for the welcome dinner,
9. Drivers the opening and closing ceremonies; and
4. Selected veteran athletes who were referred to
To ensure that the drivers were suitably trained as as the National Heroes and Heroines
such and that they had a satisfactory knowledge of
the local geography. In the event the dedicated cars Scope of work
were to be used for extended periods of time, the LOC
to use more than one shift of drivers per car. LOC What was done pre-event, during the event and
was to appoint drivers who could speak additional post- event to deliver on department mandate?
languages, and could therefore communicate in the
same language as that of the person in their cars.