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                            the teams including IAAF in-bound and out-   to and from the village as well as suitable parking
                            bound cargo handling, delegates and visiting   areas at the village and the campus and propose
                            guests coming for the event facilities and needs   for alternatives where necessary,
                            to inform the members that may use the border   ii.  To identify places of interest,
                            entry points                             iii.  To assess the status of transport infrastructure
                       iv.  to appraise the members on security coverage   and make recommendations.
                            arrangements for teams travelling by road.  iv.  Identify and update the relevant agencies
                       v.   to assess the facilities available in case of need   (Security, Medical, and LOC) with information
                            for response, emergency and medical evacu-   on alternative routes to facilitate evacuation in
                                                                         the event of an emergency,
                            ation in the event of an epidemic breakout   v.  To assess and identify areas that require signage
                            before, during and after the Championship.
                       vi.  To assess the status and preparedness in the
                                                                         along the routes leading into and out of the ath-
                            event of diversion of passengers to alternative
                                                                         lete’s village,
                            ports of entries or airports in the event that
                                                                     vi.  Pursue the proposed assistance with the institu-
                            the primary port of entry (JKIA) is rendered
                                                                         tion’s fl eet of transport buses,
                                                                     vii.  Assess the status of the buses proposed to be
                       vii.  To brief relevant offi  cers on waivers and clear-
                                                                         assigned for the event
                            ance of cargo procedures required.
                                                                     Following the visits, minutes and reports were pre-
                       viii.  To assess the clearing agent’s capacity and level
                            of preparedness in handing inbound cargo both
                                                                     pared as detailed in the Appendices.    e visits were
                                                                     very fruitful and used to inform:
                            at the Mombasa, JKIA and Eldoret airports.
                       ix.  to appreciate the procedures at the various sta-
                            to identify the areas to position Protocol &
                                                                        and the respective locations.    e route plans are
                                                                        attached in the appendices. (MAPS)
                            Hospitality Staff  and volunteers at the ports of   i.  Preparation of route plans and signages required
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     ii.  Preparation of the Event Transport Plan including
                            entry in order to assist teams and delegates on
                            arrival and to liaise with the Kenya Airports
                                                                        a parking management plan.    e same is attached
                                                                        in the appendices.
                            Authority to process airport passes.
                       xi.  to follow up and obtain waiver of local fees and
                                                                     iii. Identification of areas and facilities to be im-
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                        proved such as roads, parking, lighting for the
                            charges to vehicles being used for the event.
                       xii.  to identify the location of welcome desks and
                                                                        success of the event.    e roads which received
                                                                        maintenance interventions were as shown in the
                            temporary hosting facilities as well as areas to
                            be set aside for parking of transport and secu-
                            rity vehicles for the guests attending the event.  maps in the appendices. (Road Names, Lengths
                                                                        & Maintenance intervention)
                       xiii.  to seek their support as partners in facilitating   iv. The engagement of Inter-ministerial team to
                            the guests                                  address the above defi ciencies for the success
                       xiv.  to identify the available marketing, publicity   of the championship
                            and branding opportunities and materials.  v.  Engagement of various directorates in order to
                       xv.  to appreciate the Port Health requirements and   identify and provide for their transport service’s
                            procedures and communicate the same to visit-  needs.
                            ing teams and delegates                  vi. Projected the transport requirements for the
                       xvi.  to inspect available medical facilities and ambu-  success of the event. (see attached directorate’s
                            lance vehicles, their number and classifi cation.  transport requirements schedule in appendix…..)
                          e team also visited Kenyatta University to: -  The IAAF advised that the source of information
                                                                     be the events entry system and the Accreditation
                       i.   Identify the transportation entry and exit routes   System.

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