Page 1 - March 2020
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March 2020
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.
A Message from Hale...
March Through LenT PasTor connecTion
The season of Lent is a time of reflection and “Meet with the Pastor” continues and I look forward
rededication of our faith. Let us march through to having the opportunity to meet with you soon. I
Lent, onward as Christian soldiers who follow have met with several individuals and couples during
Jesus. The church has several resources to keep weekly Thursday morning appointments at 9:15 and
us in step together and grow together, including 10:15 a.m. The first Sunday visitation time after the
a 40 day devotional book, weekly reflection cards service sparked great conversation and I look forward
for the prayer labyrinth and a seasonal guide for to more visiting time. We have yet to schedule a group
contemplation. meeting. I look forward to connecting with a larger
group or Sunday School. Call the office to schedule
LenT refLecTion a Thursday morning appointment or to coordinate a
group meeting. If your schedule doesn’t lend itself to
Lent is a time to reflection on our resources as well. the present days, let me know and I will do my best
When we make a decision to restrain from distractions to make myself available.
and focus on Christ during Lent, we often save money
over the course of the season. I encourage you to conference conversaTions
redirect what you would have spent on excesses to
relief efforts such as UMCOR or saved for a special The United Methodist Church continues
Lenten offering. conversations leading up to General Conference in
May. At this time, there are 14 or more proposals
The Methodist Committee on Overseas Relief, now for the future of the church, with some options
known as United Methodist Committee on Relief, more likely selected than others. If you would like
was founded 80 years ago when WWII was raging to know more about General Conference, monitor
and millions were displaced from their homes. March the bulletin for upcoming learning opportunities.
22nd is UMCOR Sunday and all gifts given on this day As always, I am happy to host conversations on this
cover the costs of doing business so UMCOR can be a topic with you or a small group in my office, or with a
source of help and hope. larger group elsewhere, to share what I know about
upcoming proposals.
Consider bringing a special Lenten offering to UMCOR
or the Missions Committee of SIUMC on Easter Thank you for being a church with open hearts, open
Sunday. Together our offerings will be a collection that minds and open doors during Lent.
celebrates His faithfulness and His victory over every
part of our lives. Let us be a church that triumphantly
changes the world with Christ as we turn our sacrifice
into a way to deepen and strengthen the missions of
our church.