Page 4 - March 2020
P. 4

Music Ministry

         am very happy that the Chancel Choir has grown to      •  The  “Requiem”  and  “Canti que  de  Jean  Racine”  by
      I almost  35  members,  including  seven  professional    Gabriel Fauré will be presented on Good Friday, April
      secti on  leaders.  As  of  the  beginning  of  February,   10th at 7:00 pm.  The Chancel Choir will be accompanied
      Michelle  Pence  is  the  part-ti me  accompanist  for  the   by a chamber orchestra, including principal players in the
      choir at Wednesday evening rehearsals and on Sunday       Savannah Philharmonic, in additi on to Shirley Newhart
      mornings,  allowing  me  to  conduct  the  anthems.  Her   (organist)    We  are  indeed  blessed  to  have  Michelle
      husband, David, has joined the choir.                     Jarrell  (soprano)  and  Justi n  Addington  (baritone)  as
                                                                soloists in the Requiem.
      The American Traditi ons Competi ti on took place here
      at  SIUMC  from  February  17th  to  20th.  The  quarter-  • There will be two services at 8:30 am and 10:30 am
      fi nal rounds were at 4:00 and 7:00 pm on Tuesday and     on Easter Sunday, April 12th.  The Chancel Choir and
      Wednesday, followed by semi-fi nal rounds on Thursday.    Brass  Quintet  will  present  “I  Was  Glad”  by  Charles
      The fi nal round was held on Friday at the Ben Tucker     Hubert Hasti ngs Parry; “Jesus Christ Arose From Death
      Theater,  the  main  performing  arts  theater  at  the   on Easter Day” by Henry Purcell and “Hallelujah” from
      Savannah Cultural Arts Center.                            Messiah  by  George  Frederic  Handel.  Michelle  Jarrell
                                                                will sing “Alleluia” from Exsultate Jubilate by Wolfgang
      Important dates and informati on:                         Amadeus Mozart.  The congregati on and choir will sing
                                                                “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” by John Rutt er and “Lift

      •  The  Wesley  Ringers  (Handbell  Ensemble)  will  play   High the Cross” by Paul Leddington Wright.
      “Deep River” at both services on March 15th.
                                                                •  The  virtuoso  pianist,  Paolo  André  Gualdi,  will  play
      •  On  Palm  Sunday,  April  5th,  the  Chancel  Choir  will   a  recital  of  music  by  Frédéric  Chopin  and  Franz  Liszt
      sing “The Royal Welcome” by George Frederic Handel.       on Friday, May 8th at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Free
      Amandalynne Perzik will sing “The Holy City” by Stephen   Admission!
                                                                Soli Deo Gloria

                   women's book club              March's BooK: "When Crickets Cry" By: Charles Marti n

         Wednesday, March 25th                         efore  it's  over,  they'll  both  know  there  are  painful  reasons
            10:30 am  Parlor                     Bwhy crickets cry . . . and that miracles lurk around unexpected
                                                  corners. A man with a painful past. A child with a doubtf ul future.
         evening Discussion:                      And a shared journey toward healing for both their hearts.
          Thursday, March 26th
            6:30 pm  Parlor                               aPriL's BooK: "The Red Tent" By: Anita Diamant

                                                sister act - the musical
                                                sunday, March 15th  3:00 pm (church bus departi ng at 2:00 pm)
                                                   oin us for a live performance of Sister Act downtown at the Savannah
                                               JTheater! Tickets are $33 per person. Please sign up on the form in
                                               the Bailey Hall Lobby or call the church offi  ce. We have 25 ti ckets and
                                               will carpool from the church. We have space for about 12 to ride on the
                                               church bus. Aft er the show, we will enjoy a Dutch-treat dinner.
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