Page 2 - March 2020
P. 2

Ways to Worship in Lent:

                                                                     prayer labryinthyer labryinth
            wednesday night dinner                                       astor   Hale    recently   preached    about

                  5:45pm  Bailey hall                               Pcontemplati on as a form of prayer. If this form
                     $10 for adults                                  of prayer is new to you, I want to encourage you
             children 16 and under eat free         to uti lize the prayer labyrinth we have here at the church as you
                                                    learn to practi ce contemplati ve prayer. If you have never uti lized the

                      March 11th                    Prayer Labyrinth, there are simple instructi ons available at the start
        on The Menu: Meatloaf with Mushroom         of the labyrinth. During the season of Lent, unique prayer cards will
          Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Peas,       be placed each week at the Prayer Labyrinth. I encourage you to fi nd
                Salad, Rolls, and Dessert.          ti me once each week to stop by the Labyrinth for a contemplati ve
                 KiD's Menu: Corndogs               prayer walk. - Michelle

           afTer Dinner: Presentati on on the                  lenten devotionals available
          recent trip to the Holy Land and Egypt.
                                                                   lease pick up a copy of The Sanctuary to use as a
                      March 25th                              Pdaily  devoti onal  throughout  the  season  of  Lent.
       Cookout on the front lawn with BBQ, baked               They are located throughout the church for you to take
         beans, cole slaw, and mac n' cheese. Kids             home and read during Lent.
        will enjoy hot dogs from the grill. We'll play
        outdoor games and enjoy bluegrass music.                            prayer beads

                                                              Thursdays on March 19th, 26th, and april 2nd
                                                                         10:00 am  Thorne room
                   be sure to rsvp...
        Reserve your spot no later than noon on          he idea of making and using Prayer Beads might immediately
        the Monday before, by calling the church    Tsti r up images of rosary beads. And while the Catholic faith has
        offi  ce, fi lling out one of the sign-up sheets   always embraced the use of beads during prayer, the idea of using a
        located  on  the  church  offi  ce  counter  or   tangible item to deepen a prayer ti me is not unique to the Catholic
        outside  of  Bailey  Hall  on  Sundays.  You   faith. Christi ans of all denominati ons oft en have a specifi c place or
        may also RSVP online at      posture when they pray and many have a prayer journal to keep
                                                    them focused during prayer. We will off er a 3-week interacti ve study
                                                    to allow individuals an opportunity to both learn about and create
                                                    prayer beads that can be used as a tool to deepen personal prayer

           meet our new members:                    ti me. The beads will be used to keep us focused on the ACTS form
                                                    of prayer. Lis Overton and Michelle Johnson will lead the sessions.
                   Laurie Etherington               Please call the church offi  ce to register to ensure we have plenty of
                89 Franklin Creek Road S            supplies on hand.
                Savannah, Georgia 31411
                                                                         holy week dates:
                 Jerramy & Lee McGee
                      Ryan Ashley                          P��� S����� � C����������� 4/5
                   104 Bartram Road                       M����� T������� C�������� 4/9
               Savannah, Georgia 31411                                  G��� F����� 4/10

                                                                      E����� S����� 4/12
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