Page 6 - March 2020
P. 6
Children's youth sunday support
sunday school school groups
Pre-K Al-Anon: AA:
Led by Angela Bliss Youth (Middle Mondays Mondays - Saturdays
K - 2nd grade & High School) 4:00 pm 7:30 am
Led by Malyssa Ashbaugh Meets Upstairs Church Library Spiritual Growth Room
3rd - 5th grade Led by Jenny Garrard
Led by Betti e Negley Stroke Survivors: Low Vision Group:
3rd Thursdays March 11th
4:00 pm 10:00 am
Messiah Lutheran Library
Christi an Educati on Caregivers: Parkinson's:
a priority & att end
one of our sunday 1st & 3rd Thursdays March 25th
school classes! 1:00 pm 3:00 pm
SI Presbyterian Spiritual Growth Room
adult sunday school March 3rd
10:00 am
Open to all. Join us at 11:15 am! Thorne Room
alzheimer's support group
The Thorne class
Meets in Room 111 Meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month
This class uti lizes the Adult Bible Study series 10:00 - 11:00 am
by Cokesbury and is led by rotati ng facilitators. ur Alzheimer’s Support group is restarti ng! The
Ogroup will now meet on the 1st Tuesday of each
month from 10:00 to 11:00 am. The Alzheimer’s
The spiritual growth class Support Group is designed for caregivers of those
Meets in Room 109 living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementi a.
This class enjoys interacti ve discussions The group will address specifi c topics relevant to
with rotati ng leaders. All are welcome. caring for those with memory loss. The group will
be led by Joyce Crowder-McBride of Sunabella at
Savannah and Asia Harold of Thrive on Skidaway who
are both trained facilitators through the Alzheimer’s
The encouragers class Associati on.
Meets in the Library
This class is studying "PAUSE" by Andy Stanley.
All are welcome. widow and widowers group
s a ministry eff ort by our GROW Team on Small
AGroups, we will be starti ng new groups for
Young adult Life group both widows and widowers. If you have lost your
Meets in the Parlor spouse in the last few years and would be interested
This class is for adults in their 20’s, 30’s and in parti cipati ng in a small group for fellowship
40’s to gather for conversati on, scripture and and support, please contact Michelle Johnson at
support for one another. or 598-8460 to be sure you are
included as these new groups begin.