Page 5 - March 2020
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she taught for years and continues to read with children
and adults alike. She may be a “professional” reader and
of the parish yet brings personal reflections to the readings.
By: Grace Huseth “I like to read what comes before and after the specified
lectionary selection in my study Bible so I can interject
the proper tone into my reading,” Beth said. During the
“Voices of the Parish" shares stories from Skidaway week she worships in preparation, reading the liturgy
Island United Methodist Church members who are over and over again so it rolls off her tongue and follows
active in ministry and the community. For the month of proper punctuation pauses.
March, we will hear from members who serve during
worship services as a form of worship. On the first Sunday of each month, Sandy Ummel and
other communion stewards prepare the elements used
here are many different ways to worship. Some in the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Tworship through singing, some worship through
prayer and some worship with offerings. Some worship Stewards deliver the necessary linens, serving pieces
as ushers, some as readers, and some through prayer and loaves of bread to the sanctuary and place them
and preparation. on the altar. Following the 10 o’clock service, the team
gathers leftover consecrated elements and returns them
Ushering is a form of worship for Dick and Ardie Boggs. to the earth, scattering them in the memorial garden
When serving as hosts, they stand loyal and uphold the and church property.
sacredness of worship. They guide those in worship to
prepare their hearts and minds and communicate with “When I go forward to the rail to receive communion
a reverent presence the responsibility and privilege of I have a great sense of unity with everyone in the
stewardship during offertory. sanctuary,” Sandy said. “I have a very spiritual connection
to Jesus after hearing the familiar words of the invitation
When Dick and Ardie moved to the Marshes eight and with the receiving of the symbolic bread and juice.”
years ago, they had hardly unpacked their boxes before
offering to usher. In a new place, it was a familiar rhythm Praying and preparing your heart for worship is worship
and a way to connect with their new congregation. Dick in itself. Seekie Drysdale serves in the middle of the
takes pride in the traditional order to ushering while week, well after the last note of the postlude. The
Ardie passes peace as she moves down the sanctuary. sanctuary may be empty, but a worshiping spirit still
“As you usher, you smile and they smile back. It’s a warm echoes as Seekie prepares and arranges paraments as
feeling for us and a warm feeling for them,” Ardie said. part of the altar guild. She knows the meticulous way she
“I love to usher. It’s very special to me.” measures the colorful paraments makes her seem like a
perfectionist, and yet she also knows an eye distracted
Reading and responding is a form of worship. Psalter by something off center leads to distracted hearts and
lessons lead by a liturgist in the lectern allow everyone minds. “The altar guild prepares the altar perfectly and
to speak the word of God with one strong voice. ensures everything is excellent for worship,” Seekie
said. She can relate to Martha’s need for order, while
Beth Majeroni worships by serving as a liturgist. As she having the heart of Mary. “When I’m in the sanctuary
leads the congregation through readings and responses, I’m praying the entire time. It is my way of spending
she too reflects and praises God. “I consider it a "calling" time with God.”
to convey God's sacred word and respect the opportunity.
My goal is for the passage to speak to whomever hears Let us all worship with reverence and warm smiles,
it,” she said. If Beth seems like a pro at the lectern, it’s through reading and reflection and with prayer and
because she is. With a master’s in reading education, preparation. All are acts of worship and bring Him glory.