Page 12 - MAGICS ANUAL REPORT 2015-16
P. 12
1.To create a shared understanding and commitment to the development of information for older people
from the major organizations involved in the field throughout Ernakulam.
Ÿ Arranged meeting from all the governmental department and other NGOs for addressing the issue
under age friendly Ernakulam
Ÿ A core committee is formed which is looking after the project a directing from the top level.
2.To provide consistently high quality information to older people throughout Ernakulam from the Elder
line service for Older People
Ÿ A 24 by 7 help-line service with a dedicated call manager qualified in counseling and with knowledge
in community resource for elderly are placed, this service is provide Quality linkage for the elderly
3.To improve the standard of information and advice given by older people's organizations throughout
Ÿ A complete data base of elder services and resources and programs are gathered and information
on the same is given to the help seekers
Ÿ Established resources for older people and older people's organizations to support them in information
and advice giving.
Ÿ Developed information for older people through new and innovative working relationships between
Government and other organizations through out Ernakulam.