Page 7 - MAGICS ANUAL REPORT 2015-16
P. 7
To make Ernakulam district friendly to its citizens of all age with special focus on
older persons in accordance with the World Health Organization's (WHO)
“Age Friendly” city guide and thus to create a model for rest of the country.
Infrastructures and services that have to be accessible and inclusive of older
people with varying needs and capacities.
Ÿ Importance is given to the enablement part of the older people.
Ÿ The design of the entire district has to be friendly for people of all age-groups.
Ÿ Reduction of stereotyping and stigmatization in ageing.
Ÿ Awareness generation about age friendly concept in general public.
Ÿ To create a model that can be studied and replicated in the rest of the state.
The main intention of this action plan is to change Ernakulam district towards the
future that foster physical, environmental, social and service that is going with the
criteria mentioned by WHO in their age friendly guide; thus making the community
age friendly.