Page 4 - MAGICS ANUAL REPORT 2015-16
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he mission was conceived by VPS Lakeshore Hospital and is supported by the District
Panchayat. During early January 2013, the Department of Public Health of Lakeshore Hospital
Tand Research Centre, Ernakulam initiated an in-house program to make the hospital age-
friendly. The program gradually grew as the hospital started discussing the possibility for making the
district of Ernakulam age-friendly with the support of the District Panchayat In February 2014. This was
possible only because of the strong political will expressed by the District Panchayat represented by its
President Adv. Sri. Eldhose P. Kunnappally. The concept was discussed with representatives of
various stake holders including older persons, youth, NGOs, Media and professionals in healthcare,
engineering, technology and social workers. After obtaining a consensus withi n the community, the
concept was discussed in the Ernakulam District Panchayat Council on the 16th December 2014
where all the Block Panchayat presidents were present. Dr. Praveen G Pai presented the subject and
had a very active interactive session. The council unanimously acknowledged the issues faced by
senior citizens and decided to take up the project. This action plan for the district has been evolved
from the series of discussions that took place during the initial stages. Following this, MAGICS, an
NGO (a registered public charitable Trust) joined the venture to develop specific programs and its
implementation along with Lakeshore Hospital and Research Centre. To streamline the program, a
coordination committee for Age-Friendly Ernakulam was formed with District Panchayat president as
the Chairman, District Panchayat Secretary as Convener and Standing Committee chair persons as
executive members.