Page 4 - 2020 High Holiday Shofar
P. 4

Rabbi Braun, continued from previous page

       though  the  venue  has  changed  from  our  TBE
       sanctuary to the sanctuaries we will create in our
       homes;  our  determination  to  celebrate  remains
       constant.  Part  of  what  I  love  about  Judaism  is  that
       even though our situation may change, our values and
       holidays do not!

       Rosh  Hashanah,  Yom  Kippur,  Sukkot,  and  Simchat                                                      Welcome Back!
       Torah  will  continue  to  remind  us  that  we  are  still  a
       sacred community; that we care about and love each
       other;  that  we  have  tried  our  hardest  to  be  the  best
       version  of  ourselves  and,  though  sometimes  we  fall
       short,  we  will  try  to  make  amends  in  the  next  year.
       These holidays  remind us that we are only human, as
       are the ones  who have wronged us. They will remind
       us that even though our world can seem chaotic our
       holidays restore some order. They will remind us that,
       together, we will get through this pandemic and that             Rabbi Shoshana
       justice for all and compassion for those in need will
       make the world a better place.                                     Meira Friedman

       Though  we  will  not  be  next  to  the  same  people  we  Rabbi  Shoshana  Meira  Friedman  is  known  for  her
       have been sitting with over the years, we will still see  uplifting and musical prayer services, her emotionally
       their  faces.  Though  it  will  sound  different,  we  will  resonant teachings based in Jewish text and tradition,
       hear the melodies and pray the prayers that we have       and  her  commitment  to  climate  action  and  social
       always  heard.  We  will  still  sing  Avinu  Malkeinu,  Ki  justice.    She  currently  serves  as  the  Director  of
       Anu Amecha, Ashamnu, and Kol Nidrei. We will still        Professional  Development  at  Hebrew  College  in
       hear  the  Shofar.  We  will  still  be  admonished  to  do  Newton,  MA,  where  she  works  with  rabbinical  and
       teshuvah (repentance), participate in tefilla (prayer),   cantorial students and teaches on spirituality & social
       and  give  tzedakah,  so  that  the  decree  of  a        justice. Most recently, she was the Associate Rabbi at
       metaphorical death will be lessened. And, as a bonus,     Temple Sinai in Brookline, MA.
       we will be able to access the holidays as we walk on                                                                     5781
       beautiful, forested or ocean paths, as we prepare our     Rabbi  Shoshana  was  ordained  by  Hebrew  College,
       holiday meals, and anytime the Spirit moves us.           and  is  a  alumna  of  the  Wexner  Graduate           HIGH HOLIDAYS 2020
                                                                 Fellowship, JOIN For Justice, and Oberlin College of
       Some of you are older than I am, some younger, some       Arts  &  Sciences  where  she  was  also  a  Henry  David
       steeped in  ritual and some not so much; yet I think      Thoreau  Scholar.  She  lives  in  Boston  with  her
       5781 will teach us that we still are one people and we    husband,  Yotam  Schachter,  their  toddler  son
       are in this life, this journey, together...thank God.     Abraham, and dog, Lulu. For her writing, music, and
                                                                 Jewish resources visit
       May  5781  bring  you,  your  family,  your  friends,  and                                                        SHOFAR    רפוש
       even our enemies, to a better and blessed place.  May     This year, Rabbi Shoshana will lead us in prayer from
       you have a good, sweet and healthy New Year.              her home in Massachusetts via Zoom.
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