Page 14 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Travel 2019
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consumers’ trust; in the third year   award by Business World in 2018     of 63,000 applicants in Lufthansa
        we have become the established       was just the first step towards that   Runway To Success, 2017, he is
        one-stop shop for millennials        goal. Chirag was recently named      on the right path to building the
        in India with operations in 5        in the prestigious list of Forbes    next brand in travel, the brand for
        countries and 200+ locations in the   30 Under 30 Asia, 2019 for his      Millennials, Deyor Camps.
        APAC region.                         achievements in the travel sector
                                             at such an early stage in life. Being   Improving with challenges
        Instrumental Leadership              amongst 50 top CEOs in India         The biggest challenges in the

        India’s largest direct to consumer,   presented by Facebook and taking    industry are that of ‘Discovery,
        adventure first, experiential travel   away Asia One’s India’s Greatest   Trust and Experience’. The
        company, a dream, translated into    Brands award for his venture,        industry is highly fragmented and
        reality by the CEO & Co-Founder      Deyor Camps are amongst great        is dominated by local operators.
        of Deyor Camps, Chirag Gupta         recognition of his passion and       There are few companies with an
        and co - founders Himanshu           ability. He has an ability to inspire   online presence; however, they
        Agarwal and Gautam Yadav. Being      millennials while himself being      simply cannot be trusted. We
        in the limelight for disrupting      one. In his young career, he has     have customers who come to us
        this niche in the travel industry,   managed to convince investors        after a bad experience and tell us
        Chirag Gupta has been featured on    from Japan, UK, South Africa and     about how they booked through
        various platforms. From addressing   Indian HNIs to believe in his idea   ‘Business X’ and travelled with
        crowds at the biggest Middle East    and invest in the business to help   ‘Operator Y’. The Indian customer
        travel conference in Dubai, to       him achieve his goals. His profile   needs a trusted brand where he/
        addressing aspiring entrepreneurs    speaks in length about his success   she knows that the company is not
        in colleges, to media houses such    and passion towards disrupting the   concerned about him/her only till
        as BTVi Live, Et Now Economic        new era of travel and spearheading   the sale is recorded but also looks
        Times and CNBC TV18 Young            this change in travel trends. From   after the end to end process from
        turks, Chirag has embarked on this   getting investors to agree to invest   booking to service & after sales.
        journey to concur the adventure      in his idea in a 7 minute pitch      We also have customers telling us
        Industry in India. Taking home the   on CNBC Young Turks to being         about booking through an online
        Young Entrepreneur of the year       selected as the top 21 startups out   site but getting no communication

                 We at Deyor Camps are focused
                 solely on building a brand. We
                 understand all the elements of

                 brand building and know that it
                 is not limited to just reaching the

                 customer but also retaining and

                 receiving referrals from them.
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