Page 15 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Travel 2019
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after that and have lost all hope created Virtual Reality 360 degree few selected handpicked locations
for a refund as well. Companies videos for users to actually feel in the APAC region, however, has
with small online presence are not like they are at the location before gone deep into these locations
keeping their review and ratings they even travel there. We have and built up experiences and
open because they know that the been transparent by keeping our products which are second to none
customer will report and this in- review and ratings open, we in the market. We offer a wide
turn would heavily impact sales for proudly boast a 4.5* rating across variety of unique experiences,
them. social media handles and this such as a road trip to Ladakh,
shows our customer satisfaction or a backpacking experience
Differentiation from Competitors rate. Understanding that our trips in Andamans, to our clients
We at Deyor Camps are focused are usually INR 30,000+ in ticket and these unique experiences
solely on building a brand. We size, we give flexibility of payment give our clients a competitive
understand all the elements of where customers can make part advantage in the market. There
brand building and know that payments or pay via EMI which is a huge growing demand for
it is not limited to just reaching immediately relieves the customer these kinds of experiences in the
the customer but also retaining of financial stress for his travel market, especially amongst the
and receiving referrals from plans. We at Deyor Camps are millennials, but there is no trusted
them. We are the only company looking at creating a brand that has brand which is providing these
to have heavily invested in started from India but one day will experiences. Deyor Camps has
Cinematographic content for the be truly global and we’re enjoying become the trusted go-to brand for
user to see before booking his/her this journey step by step. such experiences for all our travel
trip. This adds a layer of trust in the Unique Experiences partners.
consumers mind as they realise that The best feedback
we are a company that has been Deyor Camps is present in only a
there and done that and people have We, at Deyor Camps, believe that
happily travelled with us in the
past. We are the only experiential
travel company in India to have