Page 18 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Travel 2019
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are proud to be spearheading this experience of building businesses never given our customers a chance
change. globally. We raised our next round to even try an alternative.
of funding soon after incorporation
Journey so far with HNIs investing in the From there being a point where
The journey of Deyor Camps business early on to give further we had aggregated 700 campsites
in India across 60 locations to
has seen the company pivot support and motivate Chirag in now operating experiential travel
multiple times. What started as this journey. The first year was all journeys across 5 countries and
an aggregator of campsites to about building experiences and 200+ locations, this has been an
becoming a weekend getaway standard operating procedures. amazing journey so far and we
business is now flourishing in its This involved getting deeper believe we are still at ‘Day 1’ with
latest pivot of being a ‘long stay, understanding of each destination, a long way to go and many more
experiential travel company’. consumer travel habits and milestones to achieve.
Chirag was lucky to have the challenges of operating in each
managing partner from Redcliffe destination. The second year, we We have carefully and successfully
Capital, Dheeraj Jain invest in spent spreading brand awareness built a brand for the millennials
the business at the seed stage and and understanding market feedback and we strive to continue to add
was able to onboard his friends and sentiment of there finally being locations and services to ensure
Himanshu and Gautam as co- a company trying to organise this seamless, smooth and happy travel
founders at an early stage of the space in India. In the third year, we for our customers globally in times
business. Not only did Dheeraj have managed to establish a brand to come.
invest in this business but also which consumers trust and resort to
came on board as a mentor who when they are making their travel Year of Founding: 2016
guided Chirag with his years of decisions. We have been able to
stay ahead of our competitors and Funding Information: Raised
$500K till date, Raising $3 Million
Series A round now
Founding Members: Chirag
Gupta, Himanshu Agarwal and
The journey of Deyor Camps has Gautam Yadav. (Dheeraj Jain is our
seen the company pivot multiple first investor and mentor)
times. What started as an aggregator Office Locations: Gurgaon
of campsites to becoming a Company Strength: 30 full time,
weekend getaway business is now 81 contracted
flourishing in its latest pivot of being Website: https://www.deyorcamps.
a ‘long stay, experiential travel com