Page 17 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Travel 2019
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include travel to small and unheard   They faced the same issues          India is witnessing a major
        offbeat destinations like Hanle,     including seeing content online      change in the travel habits of
        Tsomoriri to name a few. However,  which didn’t look like the place       its population, especially the
        there are people residing in         when they arrived. They realised     millennials. As per a recent study,
        these places and they have been      that fellow Indian travellers and    62% of the millennials typically
        impacted with an increased means     travellers coming from abroad        go on a vacation two to five times
        to livelihood with us increasing     would be facing similar issues.      a year. Another 10% said that they
        footfall drastically in these regions.  Somebody needed to step in into   vacation six to ten times a year,
        We would like to share an example    this fragmented niche within the     in a combination of shorter trips
        of a guesthouse owner in Hanle       travel and build up a brand around   to domestic locations and longer
        who was so moved by the efforts      it – that’s what we at Deyor Camps   international holidays. The trend
        of our company that when the         did.                                 also suggested that 35% of the
        season got over he decided to set                                         millennials prefer experiential
        up a campsite at his own cost so     Insights into Future                 holidays to offbeat locations and
        that we could accommodate more       We at Deyor Camps are growing        about 29% are opting for adventure
        people in the coming season and      rapidly. Within the last 12 months   activities that they can flaunt on
        the customers would have proper      we have expanded to 4 countries      social media. There has been a
        accommodation to stay in. This is    outside of India and this year we    steady increase in the disposable
        turn also increased jobs for locals   plan to expand to 3 more countries   income of the millennials and a
        in the area who would now be         globally. Currently the source       high percentage of that is being
        helping hands at the campsite.       market for us has been India but     spent on travel. In fact, they are

        On the overall industry perspective,   now we are rapidly expanding our   even willing to take loans to fund
                                                                                  their travel needs.
        the experiential tries a $2 Billion   sales teams globally. We are now
        market size and we are leading the   in the process of collaborating with   We feel that in the next 3 years
        race to organise this industry.      travel companies from France,        experiential travel will become
                                             Australia and places like Thailand,   the new mainstream travel. People
        Need of new approaches               Peru, Mexico and Germany to          are going to move away from the
                                             handle inbound movement of their     run of the mill vacationing habits
        Every time our founders had an       clients to our product markets. We
        option to take days off, they would   have already started a few of these   and would start looking at unique
        run off to the mountains or the      relations and plan to execute 40     experiences which in turn would
        beaches. The passion was there but   such tie ups before June 2019.       give birth to more brands looking
        the problems about discovery, trust                                       to cater to these needs. The new
        and experience were much larger.     Change is the only constant          era of travel is here to stay and we
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