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a Beer style we present in our series...

              Tradi onal Belgian-Style Gueuze Lambic                                                            episode 2

              Color: Gold to medium amber

              Clarity:  Cloudiness  is  acceptable,  as  Gueuze  is
              tradi onally bo le condi oned.

              Perceived  Malt  Aroma  &  Flavor:  Sweet  malt
              character is not present

              Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Not present to very
              low and can include cheesy, floral or lavender-like
              a ributes.
                                                                selected Breweries, pubs and stores...

              Perceived Bi erness: Very low                               Can llon
                                                                Rue Gheude 56, 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht)
              Fermenta on  Characteris cs:  These  unflavored    www.can
              blended and secondary fermented Lambic beers may
              be very dry or mildly sweet and are characterized by             Brasserie de l'Ermitage
              intense  fruity  ester,  sour,  and  acidic  a ributes.   Rue Lambert Crickx 26, 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht)
              Diacetyl should not be present. Characteris c horsey,
              goaty,  leathery  and  phenolic  aromas  and  flavors
              derived from Bre anomyces yeast are o en present             Brussels Beer Project
              at moderate levels. Vanillin and other wood-derived   Rue Antoine Dansaert 188, 1000 Brussels
              flavors should not be present. Carbona on can be
              none (flat) to medium.
                                                                          Délirium Café
              Body: Very low with dry mouthfeel                 Impasse de la Fidélité 4, 1000 Brussels
              Addi onal notes: Gueuze Lambics, whose origin is
              the Brussels area of Belgium, are o en simply called             Moeder Lambic
              Gueuze  Lambic.  Versions  of  this  beer  style  made   Place Fontainas 8, 1000 Brussels
              outside of the Brussels area are said to be "Belgian-
              Style  Gueuze  Lambics."  The  Belgian-style  versions
              are  made  to  resemble  many  of  the  beers  of  true             Beer Mania
              origin.  Historically,  tradi onal  Gueuze  Lambics  are   Chaussée de Wavre 174/176, 1050 Brussels
              dry  and  completely  a enuated,  exhibi ng  no
              residual sweetness either from malt, sugar or other
              sweeteners.  Tradi onally,  Gueuze  is  brewed  with             The Beer House
              unmalted  wheat,  malted  barley,  and  stale,  aged   Rue du Midi 28, 1000 Bruxelles (Facebook only)
                                                                          Belgian Beer Tradi on
              Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 4.0%-7.0% (5.0%-8.9%)  Rue au Beurre 32, 1000 Bruxelles (Facebook only)
              Hop Bi erness (IBU) 11-23
              Color SRM (EBC) 6-13 (12-26 EBC)
              See Copyright-note on page 57                               De Biertempel
                                                                Rue du Marché Aux Herbes 56, 1000 Bruxelles
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