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                                                                                                                episode 1

                                                                tradi onal  beers.  These  beers  are  s ll  brewed  in
                                                                many sub-Saharan Africa – both on a commercial and
                                                                home brewing. Recipes must have been modified to
               THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU LIKE BEER...               some extent since some include maize and millet – an
                                                                indica on that what we can taste today reflects the
                         Beer Tour Bus                          brewing standards introduced a er the first imports
                                                                of corn from Mexico. But the brewing of sorghum
                                                                beers remains considerably basic: A mash is prepared
                         Cra  Beer Safari
                                                                from malted grains – but the spent grains are not
                                                                completely  separated  from  the  wort.  And  the
                                                                resul ng  liquid  is  neither  boiled  nor  are  bi ering
                                                                agents added at any stage of the brewing process.
               (SOUTH) AFRICA and beer                          These types of beer differ from our common lagers
              We have very li le knowledge about the first beers   and ales in many ways: They contain large amounts of
              that na ve Africans brewed thousands of years ago.   insoluble materials as well as residual sugars. They
              But  given  the  fact  that  several  varie es  of  millet   undergo  a  lac c  fermenta on  and  an  alcoholic
              (most  prominently  sorghum)  are  widely  available   fermenta on and have to be consumed while they
              crops in many parts of Africa, we can safely assume   are s ll fermen ng – when sweetness and acidity are
              that sorghum beers have been around for a very long   well in balance, and the alcohol content is quite low.
               me. Sorghum, unlike barley, is very well adapted to   These tradi onal beers are part of the diet of people
              the semi-arid and sub-tropical condi ons prevailing   of  color,  but  in  recent  years  cra   brewers  have
              over most of the African con nent – it is easy to grow   successfully  brewed  both  Bri sh  and  Belgian  style
              and can be used for making porridge as well as those   ales based on sorghum.
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