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                                                                                                                episode 2

                                                                For at least one century – from the 1720’s to the
                                                                1830’s porter beers dominated the English-speaking
                                                                beer scene – porterhouses and pubs became more
                                                                important than coffeehouses (and for those who s ll
               THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU LIKE BEER...               prefer  coffee,  there  is  a  coffee-porter).  But  new

                        The Na onal Brewery Centre              mal ng  technologies  enabled  Bri sh  brewers  to
              Horninglow Street, Burton upon Trent, DE14 1NG    produce paler malts than those used in porter beers,
                        and  new,  cheap  glassware  helped  promote  these
                                                                paler ales. Burton upon Trent brewers realized that
                                                                they could brew a rela vely pale ale using malts that
                                                                were  substan ally  lighter  in  color  than  the  then-
               the uk and beer                                  common roasty stuff used in other parts of England
              The ques on of which town could be declared the   (and  indeed  in  most  countries).  The  high  sulfate
              “brewing  capital  of  the  world”  has  long  been   levels in Burton waters (up to 800 ppm) gave Burton
              disputed  –  but  for  the  18th  century,  the  answer   an addi onal advantage over their compe tors: They
              would undoubtedly be London, England. London was   bring a hard, dry mineral edge to the bi erness of
              the capital city of the Bri sh Empire and home to the   beers brewed from it, which makes the water ideal
              world’s largest port. There was a thirsty workforce,   for the produc on of pale ales. For a few decades –
              and there was a beer that would quench that thirst:   un l  brewing  scien sts  learned  to  add  gypsum  to
              Porter. Originally a blend of slightly sour “stale ale”   water to “burtonize” it – Burton became the brewing
              and a lively fresh dark ale porter became a style of its   capital of the world. Even brewing companies from
              own – nowadays, the style guidelines for the World   London moved here to brew what the Bri sh know as
              Beer Cup list six different interpreta ons of the style.   “Bi er”, and the rest of the world calls “Pale Ale”.
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