Page 10 - SCIE Ambassador Program Strategic Brief
P. 10

School of Medicine

               Stequita Hankton

                                        Why did you decide to apply to the SCIE Ambassador Program? I decided to
                                        apply to the Ambassador program because I wanted to be able to have the
                                        opportunity to present deficits I see in the Medical school and help create
                                        solutions for those deficits.
                                        Do you have any hobbies? So my hobby is playing the guitar. I'm obsessed
                                        with Jimmy Hendrix and we're both left handed so in my mind I will play to
                                        his level, but it has yet to happen.

               Nourhan Ibrahim

                                         Why did you decide to become a SCIE Ambassador? I applied for the SCIE
                                         Ambassador Program to promote a more inclusive, diverse environment on
                                         campus that is welcoming of people from different backgrounds and allows
                                         for understanding. And I guess I came for the eye in the sky, which is

                                         Do you have any hobbies? Yes, my favorite hobby is to go white water
                                         rafting. It's really cool. It gives you this, like, adrenaline rush and you... can
                                         face your fears. I like to go scuba diving, I like to go snorkeling, basically
                                         everything with water.

               Vanessa Mitchell

                                        Why do you decide to apply to be a SCIE Ambassdor? So the reason I
                                        decided to apply to the SCIE Ambassador Program was because the School
                                        of Medicine and MCV in general lack diversity, which is strange because the
                                        majority of the patients we serve are from diverse backgrounds. I think it's
                                        really important to get more doctors and more health care professionals in
                                        general involved in treating patients that look like them. I think it's a good
                                        way to mirror your patient populations, just to show that we promote

                                        What would you sing at Karaoke night? Okay so this is a really hard question and I
                                        really didn’t think about this, but it will be "I Will Always love You" by Whitney
                                            Houston…from The Body Guard.

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