Page 9 - SCIE Ambassador Program Strategic Brief
P. 9
School of Nursing
Tamara Broadnax
Why did you decide to apply to the SCIE Ambassador Program? I
applied for the SCIE Ambassador program because I'm very interested
in diversity. I work in the health system. I'm a student down at the
school of nursing so I was very interested to learn about the diversity
efforts here at the university.
Do you have any hobbies? My hobby... is bicycling or riding my bike.
I've gone to few different events. I try to schedule an event once a
month just to stay active and stay healthy. That's probably the best
hobby that I have right now.
Indira Miller
How will you use your experience as a SCIE Ambassador to help
students in your program? [I'll use] the knowledge and the experience
that I gain... as a SCIE Ambassador... [to let] all of my colleagues know
about disparities and ways that we can help prevent a lot of them. A lot
of things can be accomplished in numbers so making everybody aware
and them being able to take [that awareness] back to their specialties
and back to their departments will just gather us in numbers and help
to, hopefully, wash out all of those disparities. Hopefully it becomes a
community effort, off the campus and in families and so forth.
Do you have any hobbies? I do. I actually play indoor soccer at the VCU
Cary Street Gym. It's pretty intense. We play with guys and girls. No
mercy, pretty much.
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