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Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State


                                                                You are the first incoming class I am
      You Have Arrived                                          addressing as the 10th president of BSU,
                                                                and as the first female president since 1865.
      at Your Destination
                                                                New students, this is an important time in
      September 13, 2017                                        your lives and in the history of this

                                                                There are many reasons why I am excited
                                                                and honored to be here at BSU, including the
                                                                outstanding and talented faculty who are
                                                                dedicated to our students in ensuring an
                                                                educational experience that sets us apart;
                                                                amazing staff who have a long history of
                                                                watching over our students and supporting
                                                                them in their everyday lives; and, an
                                                                incredible and vibrant surrounding

                                                                And of course, BSU is known for the most
                                                                amazing students who exude confidence,
                                                                pride, and high standards.  I have enjoyed
                                                                getting to know many of you as I have
      Welcome, administration, faculty, staff,                  walked around the campus.
      students, alumni and friends of the
      university to the 2017-2018 academic year!                And then there are the numerous
                                                                accomplishments of BSU as evidenced by
      Welcome, especially to the class of 2021!                 some of the recent announcements
      Quoting that all important source in your                 including:
      life, your GPS … "You have arrived."

      We are here today to celebrate a new
      academic year and to welcome our newest
      class of students.

      Class of 2021, it is indeed my pleasure to
      greet you on this very special day that
      marks a beginning for our new class of
      students as you embark on an important
      milestone in your lives.

                               Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University
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