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Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State


              Preserve  the  lasting  legacy  of  Bowie  State  I am looking forward to seeing how you will
            University  as  the   rst  Historically  Black      make your mark before you walk across the
            Institution in the State of Maryland.               stage and we celebrate together your
              Continue  to  build  academic  excellence  that   accomplishments.
            you  see  and  experience  in  the  classrooms
            and across the campus.                              Together we have arrived at this destination
              Create   curricular    and     co-curricular      stop. I invite everyone to join me in this
            opportunities  supportive  and  engaging  of        race, to get us out of the blocks and get us
            21st generation of learners.                        moving along.
              Encourage  and  support  the  diversity  of
            learners enrolled at BSU.
              Create  new  partnerships  in  our  local  and    And to help in growing the endowment and
            global  communities  to  connect  us  to  the       providing support for students, this week, I
            world.                                              established a new scholarship—the Racing
              Develop  new  and  distinctive  programs  that    to Excellence Endowed Scholarship. It is my
            uniquely define us as an institution.               hope that the scholarship will inspire
              Hold  ourselves  accountable  and  develop        generations of students to never forget that
             scally  sound  models,  metrics  and  be  able     each day you have a choice to make on how
            to communicate to our public all of the value       you will run the race and contribute to the
            we have here at BSU;                                betterment of their lives and the lives of
              and to ensure the viability of this institution   others.
            for the next 150 years.
                                                                This scholarship is established in honor of
      BSU, and class of 2021 the journey                        my father, Alex J. Woodley, who was an
      continues on, beyond today.
                                                                educator and a track and field coach of
                                                                Olympic athletes and President and CEO of
      Like the runner in a relay, we have been                  the Philadelphia Pioneer Educational-
      handed the baton—and for this stretch it’s                Athletic Development Club. He passed away
      about what we will do until it’s time for us to           suddenly in 2004 after having coached
      hand off to the next generation.                          numerous athletes from around the country
                                                                and the world including over 50 champions
      I am doing what I can each day to get us out              in the NCAA, World and Olympic Games.
      in front of the pack; and so when I make the
      hand off to the next leader of Bowie State                He greatly valued education and instilled in
      University, whenever that might be, I will                his family, his students and in the
      know that I’ve run a strong race to get us                community the need to maintain excellence
      across the finish line.                                   and high standards. Track and field was also
                                                                his platform to advance civil rights and
      Anyone who knows about running you know                   equality around the world including taking on
      you don’t just run to the line.  No, your goal            issues of apartheid in South Africa when
      is to run through the finish line.  So Bowie              athletes were unable to compete in their
      State, this isn’t the end of the destination.             sport.

                               Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University
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