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Introductory Address · Bowie State
Bowie State University, I’m looking forward
Building on to getting around the campus – today and in
the months to come – and getting to know
Strength and each and every one of you. It’s going to take
me a little while to get around the campus,
Excellence so I won’t be able to do it all today. But trust
me, I will make my way around, and I do
Through want to hear about you and your stories and
Community what Bowie State University means to you.
To the current president, Dr. Burnim, I say
May 9, 2017 thank you, for your leadership over these
last 11 years—for the ways that you have
given of yourself and the dedication you
Wow, what a welcome! I am so thrilled to be
here today. Words cannot describe. Since have shown to Bowie State University.
the day that the announcement came out Congratulations on your many
that I would be the next president at Bowie accomplishments that you have done on
State University, I have received the most behalf of Bowie State University. Thank you
wonderful messages – emails and text so much. And President Burnim, I wish for
messages – from the campus and from this you the very best in your retirement. And I
community. I’m overwhelmed by the warm hope that you will leave a number nearby, so
when I have a moment, we can just touch
welcome that I have received from so many
of you. Thank you very much for welcoming base from time to time.
me to this campus, even before I stepped
foot on this campus. So, I already feel that To the students, faculty, staff and
I’m a part of the Bowie State University administrators, alumni and friends of the
community. Thank you so much for that. university, from this point forward, I will
apply my skills and abilities to build on the
legacy and the rich history of Bowie State
I am very proud and as I’m sure you can tell,
excited, to be your next president! Today I University as the first Historically Black
see as a beginning of a new journey. And as Institution of higher learning in the state of
we begin this journey, together, as a Maryland.
community, I want to first thank the
members of the Presidential Search For any new leader, there are always, I’m
Committee, myself, along with the sure, the usual questions you have out
Chancellor and the Board of Regents, for there. Questions about:
bestowing upon me your trust, and the honor
and privilege of becoming the 10th president What do you have to offer to us to make a
of Bowie State University. Thank you so difference?
very much. Thank you to everyone who was
part of the process.
How will you advance the mission of the
Introductory Address · Bowie State University