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Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State
Students, the bar has been set high for you, Jovan Adeppo best known for his role as
but I know you can reach it. You see you are Cory Maxson in the movie Fences with
walking in the footsteps of students who Denzel Washington and Viola Davis. He
have left indelible marks and remarkable received his B.A. in political science and
examples for you to use as a guide … philosophy degree from Bowie State before
individuals such as Christa McAuliffe, for moving on to Los Angeles to become a
whom we have named one of our residence writer. He eventually found himself with
halls. She set her sights high and became an significant acclaim at a young age opposite
outstanding teacher. In 1985, she was some the best actors in the world.
selected from more than 11,000 applicants
to participate in the NASA Teacher in Space Another notable member of the BSU family
Project and was scheduled to become the is Toni Braxton who attended BSU before
first teacher in space to conduct going on to sell over 67 million records. She
experiments from Space Shuttle Challenger.
has won seven Grammy Awards, nine
Billboard Music Awards, seven American
She, along with six other astronauts Music Awards and several other awards.
perished on that mission as it exploded Aside from her success in music continues
shortly after launch on January 28, 1986. to give of her time as a member of the Board
of Visitors for BSU—making an impact on
She received her master's in education
supervision and administration from Bowie
State University in 1978. And although she In each one of these examples you see
left us way too soon, she made an impact on ordinary people achieving reaching high,
those she taught and touched through her achieving success and making a difference.
drive and commitment to education. She
was quoted as saying: Reach for it. Push We are living in extraordinary times and
yourself as far as you can. That was her
more than ever, you have the ability to
legacy of striving for more. change the world with your unique talents,
abilities and knowledge. Today’s problems
State Senator Joanne Benson graduated from are very hard, but seated among you is the
Bowie State College with a B.S. in education scientist who has the potential to uncover a
in 1961. She has gone on to serve in new treatment for Alzheimer’s; the social
government on such initiatives such as work major who can address the growing
serving on the Task Force to Study the population of people who are homeless, and
History and Legacy of Slavery in Maryland; the government and history major who has
the Task Force to Study Repealing the the ability to go on and create policies to
Disenfranchisement of Convicted Felons in reduce food insecurity in our society.
Maryland; and on the Maryland Commission
on Disabilities. She has received numerous According to CNBC, "Every minute, we are
awards for her contributions for her service seeing about half-million attempts of
in government and to her community.
hacking in cyber space."
Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University