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Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State
Money magazine’s ranking of BSU among the These achievements are all made possible
nation’s top schools on its 2017 Best Colleges through the dedicated work of so many
for Your Money list (462/711). including our outstanding faculty and staff.
And the Diverse Issues in Higher Education
publication, this year, listing Bowie State It is important that the campus community
University among the Top 100 Minority know and recognize the excellent work of
Degree Producers for graduating African our faculty. Faculty members like Dr.
American students with Bachelor’s degrees William Drakeford who serves as the
in “All Disciplines Combined.” principal investigator on three projects
The cutting edge research in the Science, funded by the Department of Education, each
Technology, Engineering and Math over $1 million. He is also the principal
disciplines, including the hallmark program investigator on a $1.1 million grant, in
in Cybersecurity. conjunction with the University of Maryland
BSU is known for the Education Innovation College of Education to train undergraduate
Initiative—EI program to provide students from underrepresented populations
experiential learning to our students, while for doctoral study. And then there is English
partnering industry and businesses in the Professor Rion Scott who received a
education process in preparing students for prestigious 2017 PEN literary award for his
the workplace. collection of short stories entitled
Our athletic teams and their outstanding “Insurrections.” The award recognizes the
seasons, year-over-year that have resulted in literary brilliance of debut works of fiction.
BSU leading the way as the CIAA defending
champions in Women’s Bowling and Men’s
Basketball, and rendering BSU as the CIAA These are but two examples of the great
Northern Division champions in Softball and work by our faculty.
The outstanding new facilities including the So as you can see, as I did, there are many
Fine and Performing Arts Center and the quality aspects to BSU; and like you, I
Center for Natural Science, Mathematics and believe I have found a wonderful fit for me in
Nursing. this outstanding university.
And, just yesterday, if you haven’t heard,
Bowie State University was ranked by U.S.
News & World Report’s among the top 25
HBCUs 2018 Best Colleges list, recognizing
the institution’s educational quality. The
university moved up four spots since last
year’s report to #22 on the list of
outstanding HBCUs.
Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University