Page 6 - Racing To Excellence
P. 6

Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State


      Seated among you are students studying                            Changing demographics
      cybersecurity, systems and computer                               Technology that is changing exponentially
      science that could create new ways to                             Globalization
      maintain safety for our businesses and                            Security threats
      organizations to combat the cyber attacks                         Climate and sustainability challenges
      that are threatening our economic and
      financial systems and structures.                         …to name a few changes.

                                                                So, today I ask that students, faculty, staff,
      With the challenges facing our nation and                 alumni, and friends of the university, to
      the world today, we need each and every                   commit to contributing and ensuring that we
      one of you like Christa McAuliffe and Toni
      Braxton and the many others who made an                   each do what we can to be the change that
      impact on the lives of others and their                   we seek for our BSU and meet the
                                                                challenges whatever they might be, head on.
      communities—striving for excellence.

                                                                We are good, but we can excel and reach
      I too am looking forward to the opportunity               higher than where we are today. The vision
      for me to contribute my own skills,
      knowledge and abilities to an institution that            that I am striving to make a reality is for a
      prides itself in how we educate students, an              brighter tomorrow so that our graduates are
                                                                prepared to enter the workforce and make a
      institution with an incredible history and                difference, go into our communities and
      legacy of providing outstanding education                 tackle the challenges that face us as a
      and striving to ensure access for
      generations who could otherwise not have                  nation and as a global community.
      achieved their hopes and dreams for a better
      life.                                                     My vision for Bowie State University is to
                                                                build on strength and excellence together as
                                                                a community of learners to:
      Barack Obama once said “Change will not
      come if we wait for some other person or
      some other time. We are the ones we've
      been waiting for. We are the change that we

      The world is changing dramatically and that
      change challenges us as a university to
      think differently, creatively, and innovatively
      in how we deliver education.

      Incremental change will not do. We must
      race forward if we are to achieve and
      continually maintain excellence.

      Those reasons for our race to excellence?

                               Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University
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