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Introductory Address · Bowie State
And what’s your vision? I began my career at the University of
Pennsylvania. I was there for 10 years
Well, today, I hope to share a little bit with before going all the way across the street to
you, but again, there’s a lot more to come in Drexel University. I was there for another 10
the days ahead. What I can tell you is that years before going on the other side of Penn
to the University of the Sciences in
each day, I will be part of this team—striving
to have a positive impact on the campus and Philadelphia, known as the Philadelphia
our community. And I will work tirelessly to College of Pharmacy and Science, the first
advance the mission of Bowie State college of pharmacy and science in the
University and to ensure that our students country. And then I went on to Millersville
have every opportunity to succeed. University because I ran out of all the west
Philadelphia schools, so I had to keep going
further west to Lancaster County out in
What I bring to the position, as you heard Pennsylvania.
earlier from the Chancellor, is a diverse set
of experiences and skills, having held
leadership positions at four different I am the proud mother of three and a proud
universities—both public and private. And grandmother of three.
you’ve heard a little bit already about my
credentials. But again, what you most need to know is
that I am passionate about ensuring student
However, let me just say, I need to back up success. I’ve built my career around
a little bit for you and start from the ensuring that students have what they need
beginning: “West Philadelphia, born and to succeed and making sure that those
raised.” I’m not going to ask you to sing the coming behind me have the kinds of
song, but I know you know the song. I’m a opportunities I was afforded. I’m passionate
about public education and making sure that
product of public schools. I graduated from a
public high school, spent one year at Lincoln access and affordability to quality higher
University – give it up for Lincoln! – I then education remains part of the fabric of our
did transfer to Temple University to dual communities.
major in what else, but dance and
psychology? That’s a story for another time. As the founder of the Children’s Defense
We’ll talk about that. I went on to get my Fund, Marian Wright Edelman, once said:
master’s degree in psychological services in “Education is for improving the lives of
education from the University of others and for leaving your community and
Pennsylvania, and then I went back to the world better than you found it.” And I
Temple for my doctoral degree in counseling truly take that to heart. But as we all know,
psychology. no one does anything on their own. And so I
look forward to working with the Board of
Regents, Chancellor Caret, the partners and
friends of the university to strategically
advance public higher education for the
public good in the state of Maryland.
Introductory Address · Bowie State University