Page 14 - Racing To Excellence
P. 14

Introductory Address · Bowie State


      Today, higher education is facing many                    It is because of those who have gone before
      shifts, and I think we all know that. You can             us that we are able to stand here today in
      pick up the paper and read about all that’s               this beautiful building on this beautiful
      happening with the landscape that we’re in                campus among some of the most
      for higher education: the global economy,                 outstanding students, faculty and dedicated
      demographics, funding of public higher                    staff. And so, we owe much to the leaders of
      education and exponential advances to                     Bowie State University. Leaders such as
      technology. There are changes and                         Principal Goodloe, the first to lead this
      challenges at every turn. And this can                    institution onto this site. And President
      threaten the very core of our universities. To            Henry, who shepherded the evolution from a
      move forward in this ever-changing                        small teacher training school to a liberal
      landscape, what we need to do is again                    arts college. And then more recently leaders
      come together to transform, innovate and                  like presidents Myers, Lyons, Lowe, and
      reinvent how we approach higher education.                President Burnim. You have worked
                                                                tirelessly to find a way to ensure opportunity

      I am not one who believes in serendipity. I               for many generations of students.
      believe that we are here today because of a
      common purpose. We are here at this                       And I have to imagine as those leaders
      moment to ensure the future of this amazing               traversed the landscape of higher ed that
      university that has provided outstanding                  they were going through that they had their
      quality education for more than 150 years.                moments when they thought there was no
      And we’re here to make sure that it                       way – no way to move forward through the
      continues and that every student who                      ups and downs of social, political and
      desires to pursue higher education will have              economic change and challenges that were
      access to a quality educational experience—               happening in this country. But you know,
      both today and for tomorrow.                              they found a way to sustain the viability of
                                                                this very special university.

      And, as we all know, when our students
      succeed, our communities are going to                     And so we owe it to them and to the many
      succeed. There is an ancient Greek                        faculty and staff who have gone on before
      philosopher by the name of Plutarch who                   us, that have travelled this campus, a deep
      once said: “It is indeed a desirable thing to             devotion and gratitude. And we owe it to
      be well descended, but glory belongs to our               them to make sure that we do everything we
      ancestors.”                                               can to guarantee that future generations will
                                                                have the same access to quality education
      As we stand here to celebrate what will be, I             for the next 150 years.
      ask that you take a moment —just take a
      moment out today and right now – to reflect
      and remember how we got here. For the wise
      words spoken those many centuries ago
      give meaning to today’s events and for our

                               Introductory Address · Bowie State University
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