Page 17 - Racing To Excellence
P. 17
President's Message - VP Academic
Prior to UTSA, Dr. Agbenyiga was associate An accomplished scholar, Dr. Agbenyiga has
dean for graduate studies and inclusion in extensive experience working globally,
the College of Social Science at Michigan particularly in Africa, as a researcher and
State University from 2012 – 2015. In consultant to numerous ministries, non-
addition to providing significant governmental organizations and universities.
administrative oversight for graduate Her research spans organizational culture,
programs, she was the founding director of international social and economic
the college’s Office of Equity, Diversity and development, community development and
Inclusive Academic Affairs. Additionally, she sustainability, women’s rights, children’s
held positions as associate professor in the rights, gender-based violence, cross-cultural
Department of Human Development and learning, and diversity.
Family Studies and in the School of Social
Work. Earlier positions at Michigan State Dr. Agbenyiga earned her doctoral degree in
included assistant dean and assistant to the social work, MBA in strategic management
dean for multi-cultural programs in the
and an MSW in Social Work-Urban Studies all
College of Social Science where she began from Michigan State University. Her
her career as a social work specialist. bachelor’s degree in criminal justice is from
the University of South Carolina, Columbia.
Dr. Agbenyiga’s appointment follows nearly
five months of work by the search and
screening committee, which included
representatives from faculty, staff and
student body. I want to thank the committee
for their service to identify the best
candidates for this critical leadership role
that will be key in advancing our race to
excellence. I would also like to thank Dr.
Guy-Alain Amoussou for his leadership as
interim provost and vice president for
academic affairs. His efforts have ensured a
successful transition for Academic Affairs.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Agbenyiga
to the Bowie State University community.
President's Message - VP Academic Affairs