Page 15 - Racing To Excellence
P. 15
Introductory Address · Bowie State
As I travel across campus in the days and And so, this is where we begin, Bowie State.
months to come, I will be listening to you. I I ask that you join me, and let’s race forward
will be talking with you, and I want to hear to the future because I do see a bright
your voices. I truly want to hear you and future. And notice, I didn’t say, “Let’s walk
your opinions, your ideas and thoughts. I to the future.” I said that intentionally. Let’s
would love to stand here and say, “I have all race to the future because it is bright. There
the answers.” But I’m looking to you to be are a great many opportunities that lie
part of the team with me as we look to the ahead. And I don’t believe in just sauntering
future. along. I want to race forward because I see a
bright future ahead for us all.
My vision for Bowie State University is to
build on strength and excellence together as But I’m looking forward to being a part of the
a community of learners: team and one community, focused on the
goal of student success and our commitment
To preserve the lasting legacy of Bowie State to public education – public education for the
University as the rst historically black public good.
university in the state of Maryland,
To continue to build academic excellence, And I want to thank you again for welcoming
To create curricular and co-curricular this Philly girl to Bowie State University.
opportunities supportive and engaging of And I’m looking forward to being your next
21st generation of learners, and president!
To encourage and support the diversity of
learners enrolled at Bowie State University.
I’m looking forward:
To creating new partnerships in our local
and global communities,
To developing new and distinctive and niche
programs that uniquely de ne Bowie State
To demonstrating scally sound models,
metrics and accountability measures, so that
we can communicate to our internal
audience and external stakeholders in
public higher education the value that we
bring to our communities.
And then nally, to promote the value of the
quality educational experience provided by
Bowie State University faculty, sta and
Introductory Address · Bowie State University