Page 12 - Racing To Excellence
P. 12
Introductory Address · Bowie State
I’m looking to the future. And the future, And then, most recently, among the many
again, I see as bright. As I look around this calls and well-wishes I received, I heard
campus, there are so many examples of from a very special young lady, a woman
excellence. There’s outstanding and who will be graduating on May 23. Donna
innovative research, teaching and scholarly Barriteau, who is one of the individuals who
activities that demonstrate excellence in will be graduating with her doctoral degree
education. Such as Dr. Hoda El-Sayed, on May 23. We can give her a round of
professor in the Department of Computer applause! She called me and was so excited
Science who was recognized recently by the to tell me about her study, which by
Board of Regents and received an award for coincidence is on the lived experiences of
excellence in innovation after having served women of color at historically black colleges
as a principal investigator on a Department and universities. How’s that? It was so
of Defense grant to acquire a Cray amazing to hear her enthusiasm, and when
supercomputer. And then, there’s Dr. she invited me to attend her luncheon
Kimetta Hairston, professor of the celebration, there’s no way I could have said
Department of Teaching, Learning, and no. And so, I’m looking forward to it, Donna,
Professional Development who was if you’re out here today. I’m looking forward
recognized with an award for her teaching to that luncheon and having a great
excellence. And then we have the EI 2 celebration with you as you celebrate your
program for research that’s underway and doctoral degree. Her thirst for excellence
looking at how we bridge the classrooms and knowledge is truly amazing and as she
into the workplace and the community. And described that journey, I have to imagine
there are countless examples among the that I need to multiply that around here, in
faculty across this campus. terms of the journey that our students are on
and that we need to support as they go
about seeking their aspirations.
And then, among the students, I haven’t
gotten to know some of these stories
firsthand. I’ve been researching and reading As there are signs of excellence as a look
and hearing so many wonderful things about around the campus and hear about our
what the students are doing. Such as E-Jay Bulldogs. Wow! The athletic program is
Gonzales who studied in the visual amazing to have achieved 20 CIAA
communication and digital media arts championships since 1989. That deserves a
program and then went on to work with the round applause! And if anyone in here is on
WNBA Atlanta Dream. And Cierra Campbell, the bowling team, you’re going to be among
who was a major in communication with a one of the first groups I get to meet because
concentration in broadcast journalism who I’ve heard so much about you and about your
aspired to go into film production and was seven titles since 2005. That deserves a
balancing all of those responsibilities in her round of applause!
major while also serving as an ROTC cadet.
Introductory Address · Bowie State University